OCamllabs icon Home|Differences with the last checks|Previous runs

Building on summer

(from freebsd)
2024-06-04 20:41.50 ---> using "77d5fe31836124b4684d554707425c4fde23f9ef3df0a804431a47419573778d" from cache

/: (user (uid 1000) (gid 1000))


/: (env OPAMUTF8 never)

/: (env OPAMEXTERNALSOLVER builtin-0install)

/: (env OPAMCRITERIA +removed)

/: (run (shell "sudo ln -f /usr/local/bin/opam-dev /usr/local/bin/opam"))
2024-06-04 20:41.51 ---> using "a2b22593046b56fadc85e22b0da7b84e903c1f5aa4d42a7c481121ceec28b31f" from cache

/: (run (network host)
        (shell "rm -rf ~/opam-repository && git clone -q 'https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository' ~/opam-repository && git -C ~/opam-repository checkout -q 5979d639be2999663a41c1d1b8a73ce3036dcb41"))
2024-06-04 20:41.51 ---> using "2e94e5004b03fe08a15876e59bd907e053f5652a7b55cefeb621755911d262e4" from cache

/: (run (shell "rm -rf ~/.opam && opam init -ya --bare ~/opam-repository"))
No configuration file found, using built-in defaults.
Checking for available remotes: rsync and local, git.
  - you won't be able to use mercurial repositories unless you install the hg command on your system.
  - you won't be able to use darcs repositories unless you install the darcs command on your system.

<><> Fetching repository information ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
[default] Initialised

User configuration:
  ~/.profile is already up-to-date.
[NOTE] Make sure that ~/.profile is well sourced in your ~/.bashrc.

2024-06-04 20:41.51 ---> using "b4bc54507f76941ccbefe785580d5364ddec85b9b50664d9209890a6feda03ee" from cache

/: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
        (network host)
        (shell "opam switch create --repositories=default '4.14.1' 'ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1'"))

<><> Installing new switch packages <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Switch invariant: ["ocaml-base-compiler" {= "4.14.1"}]

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
-> retrieved ocaml-config.2  (cached)
-> installed base-bigarray.base
-> installed base-threads.base
-> installed base-unix.base
-> installed ocaml-options-vanilla.1
-> retrieved ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1  (cached)
-> installed ocaml-base-compiler.4.14.1
-> installed ocaml-config.2
-> installed ocaml.4.14.1
# Run eval $(opam env --switch=4.14.1) to update the current shell environment
2024-06-04 20:41.52 ---> using "e855cd2b85c6094a1ea1ba91b125bd826adfb63b8e9b574f01526e51b39ae9ac" from cache

/: (run (network host)
        (shell "opam update --depexts"))
[WARNING] Unknown update command for bsd, skipping system update
2024-06-04 20:41.52 ---> using "6cb695ec395392559b6be09284f12b2de41beca3380655387f54a53db6e3412a" from cache

/: (run (cache (opam-archives (target /home/opam/.opam/download-cache)))
        (network host)
        (shell  "\
               \nopam remove -y \"aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5\"\
               \nopam install -vy \"aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5\"\
               \nif [ $res = 31 ]; then\
               \n    if opam show -f x-ci-accept-failures: \"aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5\" | grep -q '\"freebsd\"'; then\
               \n        echo \"This package failed and has been disabled for CI using the 'x-ci-accept-failures' field.\"\
               \n        exit 69\
               \n    fi\
               \nexit $res\
[NOTE] aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5 is not installed.

Nothing to do.
The following actions will be performed:
=== install 18 packages
  - install aarch64-esperanto      0.0.5
  - install checkseum              0.5.2  [required by esperanto-cosmopolitan]
  - install cmdliner               1.3.0  [required by decompress]
  - install conf-which             1      [required by aarch64-esperanto]
  - install csexp                  1.5.2  [required by dune-configurator]
  - install cstruct                6.2.0  [required by eqaf]
  - install decompress             1.5.3  [required by esperanto-cosmopolitan]
  - install digestif               1.2.0  [required by esperanto-cosmopolitan]
  - install dune                   3.15.3 [required by esperanto-cosmopolitan]
  - install dune-configurator      3.15.3 [required by checkseum]
  - install eqaf                   0.9    [required by digestif]
  - install esperanto-cosmopolitan 0.0.5  [required by aarch64-esperanto]
  - install fmt                    0.9.0  [required by cstruct]
  - install ocaml-src              4.14.1 [required by aarch64-esperanto]
  - install ocamlbuild             0.14.3 [required by fmt]
  - install ocamlfind              1.9.6  [required by fmt]
  - install optint                 0.3.0  [required by checkseum, decompress]
  - install topkg                  1.0.7  [required by fmt]

<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
Processing  1/52:
Processing  2/52:
Processing  3/52:
-> retrieved checkseum.0.5.2  (cached)
Processing  4/52:
Processing  5/52:
Processing  6/52: [conf-which: which which]
-> retrieved cmdliner.1.3.0  (cached)
Processing  7/52: [conf-which: which which]
Processing  8/52: [cmdliner: gmake all] [conf-which: which which]
-> retrieved cstruct.6.2.0  (cached)
Processing  9/52: [cmdliner: gmake all] [conf-which: which which]
+ /usr/bin/which "which" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/conf-which.1)
- /usr/bin/which
-> compiled  conf-which.1
Processing  9/52: [cmdliner: gmake all]
-> installed conf-which.1
Processing 10/52: [cmdliner: gmake all]
-> retrieved csexp.1.5.2  (cached)
Processing 11/52: [cmdliner: gmake all]
-> retrieved decompress.1.5.3  (cached)
Processing 12/52: [cmdliner: gmake all]
-> retrieved digestif.1.2.0  (cached)
Processing 13/52: [cmdliner: gmake all]
-> retrieved eqaf.0.9  (cached)
Processing 14/52: [cmdliner: gmake all]
-> retrieved fmt.0.9.0  (cached)
Processing 15/52: [cmdliner: gmake all]
Processing 15/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all]
-> retrieved dune.3.15.3, dune-configurator.3.15.3  (cached)
Processing 16/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all]
Processing 17/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15]
-> retrieved ocamlbuild.0.14.3  (cached)
Processing 18/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15]
Processing 19/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake configure.make]
-> retrieved ocamlfind.1.9.6  (cached)
Processing 20/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake configure.make]
[ocamlfind: patch] applying 0001-Harden-test-for-OCaml-5.patch
Processing 21/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake configure.make] [ocamlfind: patch]
-> retrieved optint.0.3.0  (cached)
Processing 22/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake configure.make] [ocamlfind: patch]
Processing 22/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake configure.make] [ocamlfind: ./configure]
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "-f" "configure.make" "all" "OCAMLBUILD_PREFIX=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1" "OCAMLBUILD_BINDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin" "OCAMLBUILD_LIBDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib" "OCAMLBUILD_MANDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man" "OCAML_NATIVE=true" "OCAML_NATIVE_TOOLS=true" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3)
- (echo "# This file was generated from configure.make"; \
- echo ;\
- echo "OCAML_PREFIX="; \
- echo "OCAML_BINDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin"; \
- echo "OCAML_LIBDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml"; \
- echo "OCAML_MANDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man"; \
- echo ;\
- echo "EXT_OBJ=.o"; \
- echo "EXT_ASM=.s"; \
- echo "EXT_LIB=.a"; \
- echo "EXT_DLL=.so"; \
- echo "EXE="; \
- echo ;\
- echo "OCAML_NATIVE=true"; \
- echo "OCAML_NATIVE_TOOLS=true"; \
- echo "NATDYNLINK=true"; \
- echo ;\
- echo "PREFIX=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1"; \
- echo "BINDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin"; \
- echo "LIBDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib"; \
- echo "MANDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man"; \
- ) > Makefile.config
- (echo "(* This file was generated from ../configure.make *)"; \
- echo ;\
- echo 'let bindir = "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin"'; \
- echo 'let libdir = "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib"'; \
- echo 'let ocaml_libdir = "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml"'; \
- echo 'let libdir_abs = "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib"'; \
- echo 'let ocaml_native = true'; \
- echo 'let ocaml_native_tools = true'; \
- echo 'let supports_shared_libraries = true';\
- echo 'let a = "a"'; \
- echo 'let o = "o"'; \
- echo 'let so = "so"'; \
- echo 'let ext_dll = ".so"'; \
- echo 'let exe = ""'; \
- echo 'let version = "0.14.3"'; \
- ) > src/ocamlbuild_config.ml
Processing 22/52: [ocaml-src.4.14.1/META: dl] [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake check-if-preinstalled] [ocamlfind: ./configure]
-> retrieved ocaml-src.4.14.1  (cached)
Processing 22/52: [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake check-if-preinstalled] [ocamlfind: ./configure]
Processing 23/52: [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake check-if-preinstalled] [ocamlfind: ./configure]
Processing 24/52: [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake check-if-preinstalled] [ocamlfind: ./configure] [ocaml-src: cp .]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6/./configure "-bindir" "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin" "-sitelib" "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib" "-mandir" "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man" "-config" "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib.conf" "-no-custom" "-no-camlp4" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6)
- Welcome to findlib version 1.9.6
- Configuring core...
- Checking for #remove_directory...
- Testing threading model...
- systhread_supported: true
- Testing DLLs...
- Testing whether ppxopt can be supported...
- Checking for ocamlc -opaque...
- Checking for ocamlopt -g...
- Querying installation: META list not found
- make install will double-check installed META files
- Configuring libraries...
- unix: found
- dynlink: found
- bigarray: found
- compiler-libs: found
- dbm: not present (normal since 4.00)
- graphics: not present (normal since 4.09)
- num: not present (normal since 4.06)
- ocamlbuild: not present (normal since 4.03)
- ocamldoc: found (in +ocamldoc)
- raw_spacetime: not present (normal since 4.12)
- threads: found (in +threads)
- str: found
- labltk: not present (normal since 4.02)
- native dynlink: found
- camlp4: disabled
- bytes: found, installing fake library
- Configuration for stdlib written to site-lib-src/stdlib/META
- Configuration for unix written to site-lib-src/unix/META
- Configuration for dynlink written to site-lib-src/dynlink/META
- Configuration for bigarray written to site-lib-src/bigarray/META
- Configuration for compiler-libs written to site-lib-src/compiler-libs/META
- Configuration for ocamldoc written to site-lib-src/ocamldoc/META
- Configuration for threads written to site-lib-src/threads/META
- Configuration for str written to site-lib-src/str/META
- Configuration for bytes written to site-lib-src/bytes/META
- Detecting compiler arguments: (extractor built) ok
- About the OCAML core installation:
-     Standard library:      /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml
-     Binaries:              /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin
-     Manual pages:          /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man
-     Multi-threading type:  posix
- The directory of site-specific packages will be
-     site-lib:              /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib
- The configuration file is written to:
-     findlib config file:   /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib.conf
- Software will be installed:
-     Libraries:             in <site-lib>/findlib
-     Binaries:              /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin
-     Manual pages:          /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man
-     topfind script:        /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml
- Topfind ppxopt support:    yes
- Toolbox:                   no
- Link custom runtime:       no
- Need bytes compatibility:  no
- Configuration has been written to Makefile.config
- You can now do 'make all', and optionally 'make opt', to build ocamlfind.
Processing 24/52: [cmdliner: gmake all] [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake check-if-preinstalled] [ocamlfind: gmake all] [ocaml-src: cp .]
-> retrieved topkg.1.0.7  (cached)
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "all" "PREFIX=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/cmdliner.1.3.0)
- ocaml build.ml cma
- ocaml build.ml cmxa
- ocaml build.ml cmxs
-> compiled  cmdliner.1.3.0
Processing 24/52: [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake check-if-preinstalled] [ocamlfind: gmake all] [ocaml-src: cp .]
-> retrieved aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5, esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5  (cached)
+ /bin/cp "-r" "." "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml-src" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocaml-src.4.14.1)
-> installed ocaml-src.4.14.1
Processing 24/52: [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake check-if-preinstalled] [ocamlfind: gmake all]
Processing 25/52: [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlbuild: gmake check-if-preinstalled] [ocamlfind: gmake all] [cmdliner: gmake install]
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "check-if-preinstalled" "all" "opam-install" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3)
- if test -d /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/ocamlbuild; then\
-   >&2 echo "ERROR: Preinstalled ocamlbuild detected at"\
-        "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/ocamlbuild";\
-   >&2 echo "Installation aborted; if you want to bypass this"\
-         "safety check, pass CHECK_IF_PREINSTALLED=false to make";\
-   exit 2;\
- fi
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/const.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/loc.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/loc.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/discard_printf.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/discard_printf.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/signatures.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_std.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_std.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_unix.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_unix.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tags.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tags.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/display.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/display.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/log.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/log.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/shell.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/shell.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/bool.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/bool.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_ast.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_ast.ml
- ocamllex.opt src/glob_lexer.mll
- 55 states, 419 transitions, table size 2006 bytes
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_lexer.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_lexer.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob.ml
- ocamllex.opt src/lexers.mll
- 251 states, 1051 transitions, table size 5710 bytes
- 4334 additional bytes used for bindings
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/lexers.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/lexers.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/param_tags.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/param_tags.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/command.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/command.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_config.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_where.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_where.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/slurp.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/slurp.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/options.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/options.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/pathname.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/pathname.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/configuration.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/configuration.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/flags.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/flags.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hygiene.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hygiene.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/digest_cache.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/digest_cache.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/resource.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/resource.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/rule.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/rule.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/solver.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/solver.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/report.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/report.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tools.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tools.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/fda.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/fda.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/findlib.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/findlib.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_arch.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_arch.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_utils.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_utils.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_dependencies.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_dependencies.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_compiler.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_compiler.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_tools.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_tools.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_specific.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_specific.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/exit_codes.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/exit_codes.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/plugin.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/plugin.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hooks.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hooks.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/main.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/main.ml
- mkdir -p tmp
- ocamlc.opt -pack src/const.cmo src/loc.cmo src/discard_printf.cmo src/signatures.cmi src/my_std.cmo src/my_unix.cmo src/tags.cmo src/display.cmo src/log.cmo src/shell.cmo src/bool.cmo src/glob_ast.cmo src/glob_lexer.cmo src/glob.cmo src/lexers.cmo src/param_tags.cmo src/command.cmo src/ocamlbuild_config.cmo src/ocamlbuild_where.cmo src/slurp.cmo src/options.cmo src/pathname.cmo src/configuration.cmo src/flags.cmo src/hygiene.cmo src/digest_cache.cmo src/resource.cmo src/rule.cmo src/solver.cmo src/report.cmo src/tools.cmo src/fda.cmo src/findlib.cmo src/ocaml_arch.cmo src/ocaml_utils.cmo src/ocaml_dependencies.cmo src/ocaml_compiler.cmo src/ocaml_tools.cmo src/ocaml_specific.cmo src/exit_codes.cmo src/plugin.cmo src/hooks.cmo src/main.cmo -o tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo
- mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmi src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmi
- mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.ml
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c bin/ocamlbuild.mli
- ocamlc.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c bin/ocamlbuild.ml
- ocamlc.opt -I +unix -I src -o ocamlbuild.byte unix.cma src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmo bin/ocamlbuild.cmo
- ocamlc.opt -a -o plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cma src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmo plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmo
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/const.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/loc.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/discard_printf.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_std.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/my_unix.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tags.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/display.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/log.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/shell.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/bool.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_ast.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob_lexer.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/glob.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/lexers.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/param_tags.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/command.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_config.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocamlbuild_where.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/slurp.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/options.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/pathname.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/configuration.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/flags.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hygiene.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/digest_cache.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/resource.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/rule.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/solver.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/report.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/tools.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/fda.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/findlib.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_arch.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_utils.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_dependencies.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_compiler.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_tools.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/ocaml_specific.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/exit_codes.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/plugin.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/hooks.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -for-pack Ocamlbuild_pack -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c src/main.ml
- mkdir -p tmp
- ocamlopt.opt -pack src/const.cmx src/loc.cmx src/discard_printf.cmx src/signatures.cmi src/my_std.cmx src/my_unix.cmx src/tags.cmx src/display.cmx src/log.cmx src/shell.cmx src/bool.cmx src/glob_ast.cmx src/glob_lexer.cmx src/glob.cmx src/lexers.cmx src/param_tags.cmx src/command.cmx src/ocamlbuild_config.cmx src/ocamlbuild_where.cmx src/slurp.cmx src/options.cmx src/pathname.cmx src/configuration.cmx src/flags.cmx src/hygiene.cmx src/digest_cache.cmx src/resource.cmx src/rule.cmx src/solver.cmx src/report.cmx src/tools.cmx src/fda.cmx src/findlib.cmx src/ocaml_arch.cmx src/ocaml_utils.cmx src/ocaml_dependencies.cmx src/ocaml_compiler.cmx src/ocaml_tools.cmx src/ocaml_specific.cmx src/exit_codes.cmx src/plugin.cmx src/hooks.cmx src/main.cmx -o tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx
- mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx
- mv tmp/ocamlbuild_pack.o src/ocamlbuild_pack.o
- ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -w +L -w +R -w +Z -I src -I plugin-lib -I bin -I +unix -safe-string -bin-annot -strict-sequence -c bin/ocamlbuild.ml
- ocamlopt.opt -I +unix -I src -o ocamlbuild.native unix.cmxa src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx bin/ocamlbuild.cmx
- ocamlopt.opt -a -o plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cmxa src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx
- ocamlc.opt src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmo -I src man/options_man.ml -o man/options_man.byte
- ./man/options_man.byte > man/ocamlbuild.options.1
- cat man/ocamlbuild.header.1 man/ocamlbuild.options.1 man/ocamlbuild.footer.1 > man/ocamlbuild.1
- /usr/local/bin/gmake ocamlbuild.install
- gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- rm -f ocamlbuild.install
- touch ocamlbuild.install
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-bin-opam
- gmake[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo 'bin: [' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "ocamlbuild.byte" {"ocamlbuild.byte"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "ocamlbuild.native" {"ocamlbuild.native"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "ocamlbuild.native" {"ocamlbuild"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo ']' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo >> ocamlbuild.install
- gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-lib-opam
- gmake[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo 'lib: [' >> ocamlbuild.install
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-lib-basics-opam
- gmake[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo '  "ocamlbuild.opam" {"opam"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "META"' >> ocamlbuild.install
- for lib in src/signatures.mli src/signatures.cmi src/signatures.cmti; do \
-   echo "  \"$lib\" {\"$(basename $lib)\"}" >> ocamlbuild.install; \
- done
- gmake[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-lib-byte-opam
- gmake[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- for lib in plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cma bin/ocamlbuild.cmo src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmi plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmi; do \
-   echo "  \"$lib\" {\"$(basename $lib)\"}" >> ocamlbuild.install; \
- done
- gmake[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-lib-native-opam
- gmake[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- for lib in plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.cmxa plugin-lib/ocamlbuildlib.a bin/ocamlbuild.cmx bin/ocamlbuild.o src/ocamlbuild_pack.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.cmx plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_plugin.o plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_executor.o plugin-lib/ocamlbuild_unix_plugin.o; do \
-   echo "  \"$lib\" {\"$(basename $lib)\"}" >> ocamlbuild.install; \
- done
- gmake[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo ']' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo >> ocamlbuild.install
- gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-man-opam
- gmake[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo 'man: [' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "man/ocamlbuild.1" {"man1/ocamlbuild.1"}' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo ']' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo >> ocamlbuild.install
- gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-doc-opam
- gmake[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- echo 'doc: [' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "LICENSE"' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "Changes"' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo '  "Readme.md"' >> ocamlbuild.install
- echo ']' >> ocamlbuild.install
- gmake[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlbuild.0.14.3'
-> compiled  ocamlbuild.0.14.3
Processing 25/52: [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlfind: gmake all] [cmdliner: gmake install]
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "install" "LIBDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/cmdliner" "DOCDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/doc/cmdliner" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/cmdliner.1.3.0)
- install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/cmdliner"
- install pkg/META _build/cmdliner.mli _build/cmdliner.cmi _build/cmdliner.cmti "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/cmdliner"
- install cmdliner.opam "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/cmdliner/opam"
- install _build/cmdliner.cma "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/cmdliner"
- install _build/cmdliner.cmxa _build/cmdliner.a _build/cmdliner.cmx _build/cmdliner_arg.cmx _build/cmdliner_base.cmx _build/cmdliner_cline.cmx _build/cmdliner_cmd.cmx _build/cmdliner_docgen.cmx _build/cmdliner_eval.cmx _build/cmdliner_exit.cmx _build/cmdliner_info.cmx _build/cmdliner_manpage.cmx _build/cmdliner_msg.cmx _build/cmdliner_term.cmx _build/cmdliner_term_deprecated.cmx _build/cmdliner_trie.cmx \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/cmdliner"
- install _build/cmdliner.cmxs "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/cmdliner"
Processing 25/52: [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlfind: gmake all] [cmdliner: gmake install-doc]
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "install-doc" "LIBDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/cmdliner" "DOCDIR=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/doc/cmdliner" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/cmdliner.1.3.0)
- install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/doc/cmdliner/odoc-pages"
- install CHANGES.md LICENSE.md README.md "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/doc/cmdliner"
- install doc/index.mld doc/cli.mld doc/examples.mld doc/tutorial.mld \
-            doc/tool_man.mld "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/doc/cmdliner/odoc-pages"
-> installed cmdliner.1.3.0
Processing 25/52: [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlfind: gmake all]
-> installed ocamlbuild.0.14.3
Processing 26/52: [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlfind: gmake all]
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "all" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6)
- for p in findlib; do ( cd src/$p; /usr/local/bin/gmake all ) || exit; done
- gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6/src/findlib'
- ocamllex fl_meta.mll
- 22 states, 392 transitions, table size 1700 bytes
- USE_CYGPATH="0"; \
- export USE_CYGPATH; \
- cat findlib_config.mlp | \
-          ../../tools/patch '@CONFIGFILE@' '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib.conf' | \
-          ../../tools/patch '@STDLIB@' '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml' | \
- 	sed -e 's;@AUTOLINK@;true;g' \
- 	    -e 's;@SYSTEM@;freebsd;g' \
- 	     >findlib_config.ml
- if [ "true" = "true" ]; then                 \
- 	cp topfind.ml.in topfind.ml;                             \
- else                                                             \
- 	sed -e '/PPXOPT_BEGIN/,/PPXOPT_END/ d' topfind.ml.in     \
- 		> topfind.ml ;                                   \
- fi
- ocamldep *.ml *.mli >depend
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c findlib_config.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_split.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_metatoken.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_meta.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_metascanner.mli
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_metascanner.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_topo.mli
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_topo.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_package_base.mli
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_package_base.ml
- File "fl_package_base.ml", line 304, characters 22-40:
- 304 | 	 let pkg_ancestors = query_requirements predlist pkg in
-       	                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "fl_package_base.ml", line 350, characters 18-36:
- 350 |   let ancestors = query_requirements predlist package_name in
-                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "fl_package_base.ml", line 375, characters 23-41:
- 375 | 	  let pkg_ancestors = query_requirements predlist pkg in
-       	                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "fl_package_base.ml", line 510, characters 16-35:
- 510 | 	     ( let c = package_definitions search_path pkg.package_name in
-       	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label search_path was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c findlib.mli
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c findlib.ml
- File "findlib.ml", line 390, characters 2-26:
- 390 |   Fl_package_base.requires predlist pkg
-         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "findlib.ml", line 396, characters 2-33:
- 396 |   Fl_package_base.requires_deeply predlist pkglist
-         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_args.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_lint.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -a -o findlib.cma findlib_config.cmo fl_split.cmo fl_metatoken.cmo fl_meta.cmo fl_metascanner.cmo fl_topo.cmo fl_package_base.cmo findlib.cmo fl_args.cmo fl_lint.cmo
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c ocaml_args.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c frontend.ml
- File "frontend.ml", line 859, characters 10-39:
- 859 |           Fl_package_base.package_users predicates1 packages1
-                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs  -o ocamlfind -g findlib.cma unix.cma \
-            -I +unix -I +dynlink ocaml_args.cmo frontend.cmo
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c topfind.mli
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c topfind.ml
- File "topfind.ml", line 128, characters 40-63:
- 128 |                      match Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table "ppx" with
-                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 258, characters 4-27:
- 258 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 268, characters 4-27:
- 268 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 280, characters 4-27:
- 280 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 293, characters 4-27:
- 293 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 307, characters 4-27:
- 307 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 319, characters 4-27:
- 319 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -a -o findlib_top.cma topfind.cmo
- USE_CYGPATH="0"; \
- export USE_CYGPATH; \
- cat topfind_rd1.p | \
-          ../../tools/patch '@SITELIB@' '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib' \
-     	    >topfind
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_dynload.mli
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -opaque   -I +unix -I +dynlink -g -c fl_dynload.ml
- ocamlc -I +compiler-libs -a -o findlib_dynload.cma fl_dynload.cmo
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6/src/findlib'
- /usr/local/bin/gmake all-config
- gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6'
- USE_CYGPATH="0"; \
- export USE_CYGPATH; \
- cat findlib.conf.in | \
-      tools/patch '@SITELIB@' '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib' | \
- 		 tools/patch '@FINDLIB_PATH@' '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib' -p >findlib.conf
- if ./tools/cmd_from_same_dir ocamlc; then \
- 	echo 'ocamlc="ocamlc.opt"' >>findlib.conf; \
- fi
- if ./tools/cmd_from_same_dir ocamlopt; then \
- 	echo 'ocamlopt="ocamlopt.opt"' >>findlib.conf; \
- fi
- if ./tools/cmd_from_same_dir ocamldep; then \
- 	echo 'ocamldep="ocamldep.opt"' >>findlib.conf; \
- fi
- if ./tools/cmd_from_same_dir ocamldoc; then \
- 	echo 'ocamldoc="ocamldoc.opt"' >>findlib.conf; \
- fi
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6'
Processing 26/52: [dune: ocaml 15] [ocamlfind: gmake opt]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocaml "boot/bootstrap.ml" "-j" "15" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/dune.3.15.3)
- ocamlc -output-complete-exe -w -24 -g -o .duneboot.exe -I boot unix.cma boot/libs.ml boot/duneboot.ml
- /tmp/camlobj11e1b2.c:16598:14: warning: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is treated as a zero-parameter prototype in C2x, conflicting with a previous declaration [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]
- extern value caml_get_public_method();
-              ^
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/caml/mlvalues.h:236:18: note: conflicting prototype is here
- CAMLextern value caml_get_public_method (value obj, value tag);
-                  ^
- /tmp/camlobj11e1b2.c:16780:14: warning: a function declaration without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is treated as a zero-parameter prototype in C2x, conflicting with a previous declaration [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]
- extern value caml_set_oo_id();
-              ^
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/caml/mlvalues.h:413:18: note: conflicting prototype is here
- CAMLextern value caml_set_oo_id(value obj);
-                  ^
- 2 warnings generated.
- ./.duneboot.exe -j 15
- cd _boot && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads opamLocal.ml
- File "vendor/opam/src/repository/opamLocal.ml", lines 109-114, characters 46-34:
- Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
- Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
- Checksum_mismatch _
- File "vendor/opam/src/repository/opamLocal.ml", lines 170-189, characters 44-56:
- Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
- Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
- Checksum_mismatch _
- File "vendor/opam/src/repository/opamLocal.ml", lines 209-231, characters 8-44:
- Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
- Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
- Checksum_mismatch _
- cd _boot && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads opamVCS.ml
- File "vendor/opam/src/repository/opamVCS.ml", lines 179-182, characters 11-40:
- Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
- Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
- Checksum_mismatch _
- cd _boot && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads opamDownload.ml
- File "vendor/opam/src/repository/opamDownload.ml", lines 323-361, characters 42-41:
- Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
- Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
- Checksum_mismatch _
- cd _boot && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -c -g -no-alias-deps -w -49-6 -alert -unstable -I +threads opamRepository.ml
- File "vendor/opam/src/repository/opamRepository.ml", lines 88-90, characters 45-77:
- Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
- Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
- Checksum_mismatch _
- File "vendor/opam/src/repository/opamRepository.ml", lines 277-281, characters 38-17:
- Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
- Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
- Checksum_mismatch _
- File "vendor/opam/src/repository/opamRepository.ml", lines 423-427, characters 12-42:
- Warning 8 [partial-match]: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
- Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
- (_, Checksum_mismatch _)

Processing 26/52: [dune: ./_boot/dune.exe build] [ocamlfind: gmake opt]
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "opt" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6)
- for p in findlib; do ( cd src/$p; /usr/local/bin/gmake opt ) || exit; done
- gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6/src/findlib'
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c findlib_config.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_split.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_metatoken.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_meta.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_metascanner.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_topo.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_package_base.ml
- File "fl_package_base.ml", line 304, characters 22-40:
- 304 | 	 let pkg_ancestors = query_requirements predlist pkg in
-       	                     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "fl_package_base.ml", line 350, characters 18-36:
- 350 |   let ancestors = query_requirements predlist package_name in
-                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "fl_package_base.ml", line 375, characters 23-41:
- 375 | 	  let pkg_ancestors = query_requirements predlist pkg in
-       	                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "fl_package_base.ml", line 510, characters 16-35:
- 510 | 	     ( let c = package_definitions search_path pkg.package_name in
-       	               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label search_path was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c findlib.ml
- File "findlib.ml", line 390, characters 2-26:
- 390 |   Fl_package_base.requires predlist pkg
-         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- File "findlib.ml", line 396, characters 2-33:
- 396 |   Fl_package_base.requires_deeply predlist pkglist
-         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_args.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_lint.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -a -o findlib.cmxa findlib_config.cmx fl_split.cmx fl_metatoken.cmx fl_meta.cmx fl_metascanner.cmx fl_topo.cmx fl_package_base.cmx findlib.cmx fl_args.cmx fl_lint.cmx
- if [ 1 -gt 0 ]; then \
-     ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -shared -o findlib.cmxs findlib_config.cmx fl_split.cmx fl_metatoken.cmx fl_meta.cmx fl_metascanner.cmx fl_topo.cmx fl_package_base.cmx findlib.cmx fl_args.cmx fl_lint.cmx; \
- fi
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c ocaml_args.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c frontend.ml
- File "frontend.ml", line 859, characters 10-39:
- 859 |           Fl_package_base.package_users predicates1 packages1
-                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label preds was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -o ocamlfind_opt findlib.cmxa unix.cmxa \
- 	   -I +unix -I +dynlink ocaml_args.cmx frontend.cmx
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c topfind.ml
- File "topfind.ml", line 128, characters 40-63:
- 128 |                      match Hashtbl.find Toploop.directive_table "ppx" with
-                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 258, characters 4-27:
- 258 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 268, characters 4-27:
- 268 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 280, characters 4-27:
- 280 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 293, characters 4-27:
- 293 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 307, characters 4-27:
- 307 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- File "topfind.ml", line 319, characters 4-27:
- 319 |     Toploop.directive_table
-           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Toploop.directive_table
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -a -o findlib_top.cmxa topfind.cmx
- if [ 1 -gt 0 ]; then \
-     ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -shared -o findlib_top.cmxs topfind.cmx; \
- fi
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -opaque  -I +unix -I +dynlink -c fl_dynload.ml
- ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -a -o findlib_dynload.cmxa fl_dynload.cmx
- if [ 1 -gt 0 ]; then \
-     ocamlopt -I +compiler-libs -g -shared -o findlib_dynload.cmxs fl_dynload.cmx; \
- fi
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6/src/findlib'
-> compiled  ocamlfind.1.9.6
Processing 26/52: [dune: ./_boot/dune.exe build]
Processing 27/52: [dune: ./_boot/dune.exe build] [ocamlfind: gmake install]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/dune.3.15.3/./_boot/dune.exe "build" "dune.install" "--release" "--profile" "dune-bootstrap" "-j" "15" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/dune.3.15.3)
-> compiled  dune.3.15.3
Processing 27/52: [ocamlfind: gmake install]
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "install" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6)
- if [ "1" -eq 1 ]; then \
-     for x in camlp4 dbm graphics labltk num ocamlbuild; do \
-       if [ -f "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/$x/META" ]; then \
-         if ! grep -Fq '[distributed with Ocaml]' "//home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/$x/META"; then \
-           rm -f site-lib-src/$x/META; \
-         fi; \
-       fi; \
-     done; \
-     test -f "site-lib-src/num/META" || rm -f "site-lib-src/num-top/META"; \
-   fi
- echo 'SITELIB_META =' > Makefile.packages.in
- for x in `ls site-lib-src`; do test ! -f "site-lib-src/$x/META" || echo $x >> Makefile.packages.in; done
- tr '\n' ' ' < Makefile.packages.in > Makefile.packages
- rm Makefile.packages.in
- install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin"
- install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man"
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-config
- gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6'
- install -d "`dirname \"/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib.conf\"`"
- test -f "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib.conf" || install -c findlib.conf "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib.conf"
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6'
- for p in findlib; do ( cd src/$p; /usr/local/bin/gmake install ); done
- gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6/src/findlib'
- install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib"
- install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin"
- test 1 -eq 0 || install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml"
- test 1 -eq 0 || install -c topfind "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/"
- files=` ../../tools/collect_files ../../Makefile.config \
- findlib.cmi findlib.mli findlib.cma findlib.cmxa findlib.a findlib.cmxs \
- findlib_config.cmi findlib_config.ml topfind.cmi topfind.mli \
- fl_args.cmi fl_lint.cmi fl_meta.cmi fl_split.cmi fl_topo.cmi ocaml_args.cmi \
- fl_package_base.mli fl_package_base.cmi fl_metascanner.mli fl_metascanner.cmi \
- fl_metatoken.cmi findlib_top.cma findlib_top.cmxa findlib_top.a findlib_top.cmxs \
- findlib_dynload.cma findlib_dynload.cmxa findlib_dynload.a findlib_dynload.cmxs fl_dynload.mli fl_dynload.cmi \
- META` && \
- install -c $files "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib/"
- f="ocamlfind"; { test -f ocamlfind_opt && f="ocamlfind_opt"; }; \
- install -c $f "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlfind"
- # the following "if" block is only needed for 4.00beta2
- if [ 1 -eq 0 -a -f "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs/topdirs.cmi" ]; then \
-     cd "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs/"; \
-     install -c topdirs.cmi toploop.cmi "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib/"; \
- fi
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6/src/findlib'
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-meta
- gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6'
- for x in bigarray bytes compiler-libs dynlink ocamldoc stdlib str threads unix ; do install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/$x"; install -c site-lib-src/$x/META "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/$x/META.tmp" && mv "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/$x/META.tmp" "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/$x/META"; done
- install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib"; install -c Makefile.packages "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib/Makefile.packages"
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6'
- test ! -f 'site-lib-src/num-top/META' || { cd src/findlib; /usr/local/bin/gmake install-num-top; }
- test ! -f 'site-lib-src/camlp4/META' ||	install -c tools/safe_camlp4 "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin"
- /usr/local/bin/gmake install-doc
- gmake[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6'
- install -d "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man/man1" "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man/man3" "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man/man5"
- install -c doc/ref-man/ocamlfind.1 "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man/man1"
- install -c doc/ref-man/META.5 doc/ref-man/site-lib.5 doc/ref-man/findlib.conf.5 "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/man/man5"
- gmake[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/ocamlfind.1.9.6'
-> installed ocamlfind.1.9.6
Processing 28/52: [topkg: ocaml build]
-> installed dune.3.15.3
Processing 29/52: [topkg: ocaml build]
Processing 30/52: [csexp: dune build] [topkg: ocaml build]
Processing 31/52: [csexp: dune build] [optint: dune build] [topkg: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/dune "build" "-p" "csexp" "-j" "15" "@install" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/csexp.1.5.2)
-> compiled  csexp.1.5.2
Processing 31/52: [optint: dune build] [topkg: ocaml build]
-> installed csexp.1.5.2
Processing 32/52: [optint: dune build] [topkg: ocaml build]
Processing 33/52: [dune-configurator: rm] [optint: dune build] [topkg: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/dune "build" "-p" "optint" "-j" "15" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/optint.0.3.0)
-> compiled  optint.0.3.0
Processing 33/52: [dune-configurator: rm] [topkg: ocaml build]
-> installed optint.0.3.0
Processing 34/52: [dune-configurator: rm] [topkg: ocaml build]
+ /bin/rm "-rf" "vendor/csexp" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/dune-configurator.3.15.3)
+ /bin/rm "-rf" "vendor/pp" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/dune-configurator.3.15.3)
Processing 34/52: [dune-configurator: dune build] [topkg: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/dune "build" "-p" "dune-configurator" "-j" "15" "@install" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/dune-configurator.3.15.3)
-> compiled  dune-configurator.3.15.3
Processing 34/52: [topkg: ocaml build]
-> installed dune-configurator.3.15.3
Processing 35/52: [topkg: ocaml build]
Processing 36/52: [checkseum: dune build] [topkg: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/dune "build" "-p" "checkseum" "-j" "15" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/checkseum.0.5.2)
- (cd _build/default/src-c && /usr/bin/cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -fPIC -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCHECKSEUM_STDDEF -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -fPIC -O3 -I./native/ -g -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/optint -I ../src -o adler32.o -c native/adler32.c)
- native/adler32.c:28:7: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]
- uLong _adler32(adler, buf, len)
-       ^
- native/adler32.c:100:7: warning: a function definition without a prototype is deprecated in all versions of C and is not supported in C2x [-Wdeprecated-non-prototype]
- uLong checkseum_adler32_digest(adler, buf, len)
-       ^
- 2 warnings generated.
-> compiled  checkseum.0.5.2
Processing 36/52: [topkg: ocaml build]
-> installed checkseum.0.5.2
Processing 37/52: [topkg: ocaml build]
Processing 38/52: [decompress: dune build] [topkg: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocaml "pkg/pkg.ml" "build" "--pkg-name" "topkg" "--dev-pkg" "false" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/topkg.1.0.7)
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg.ml > src/topkg.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg.mli > src/topkg.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg.cmi src/topkg.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_build.ml > src/topkg_build.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_build.mli > src/topkg_build.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_cmd.mli > src/topkg_cmd.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fpath.mli > src/topkg_fpath.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fpath.cmi src/topkg_fpath.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_codec.mli > src/topkg_codec.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_cmd.cmi src/topkg_cmd.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_result.mli > src/topkg_result.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_result.cmi src/topkg_result.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_conf.mli > src/topkg_conf.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_codec.cmi src/topkg_codec.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_conf.cmi src/topkg_conf.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_build.cmi src/topkg_build.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_cmd.ml > src/topkg_cmd.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fpath.ml > src/topkg_fpath.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_string.ml > src/topkg_string.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_string.mli > src/topkg_string.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_string.cmi src/topkg_string.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_string.cmx src/topkg_string.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fpath.cmx src/topkg_fpath.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_codec.ml > src/topkg_codec.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_cmd.cmx src/topkg_cmd.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_os.ml > src/topkg_os.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_os.mli > src/topkg_os.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_os.cmi src/topkg_os.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_log.ml > src/topkg_log.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_log.mli > src/topkg_log.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_log.cmi src/topkg_log.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_result.ml > src/topkg_result.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_result.cmx src/topkg_result.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_log.cmx src/topkg_log.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_os.cmx src/topkg_os.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_conf.ml > src/topkg_conf.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_codec.cmx src/topkg_codec.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_vcs.ml > src/topkg_vcs.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_vcs.mli > src/topkg_vcs.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_vcs.cmi src/topkg_vcs.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_vcs.cmx src/topkg_vcs.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_conf.cmx src/topkg_conf.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_distrib.ml > src/topkg_distrib.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_distrib.mli > src/topkg_distrib.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_distrib.cmi src/topkg_distrib.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_opam.ml > src/topkg_opam.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_opam.mli > src/topkg_opam.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_opam.cmi src/topkg_opam.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_opam.cmx src/topkg_opam.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fexts.ml > src/topkg_fexts.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_fexts.mli > src/topkg_fexts.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fexts.cmi src/topkg_fexts.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_install.ml > src/topkg_install.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_install.mli > src/topkg_install.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_test.mli > src/topkg_test.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_test.cmi src/topkg_test.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_install.cmi src/topkg_install.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fexts.cmx src/topkg_fexts.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_test.ml > src/topkg_test.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_test.cmx src/topkg_test.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_ipc.ml > src/topkg_ipc.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_ipc.mli > src/topkg_ipc.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_pkg.mli > src/topkg_pkg.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_publish.mli > src/topkg_publish.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_publish.cmi src/topkg_publish.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_pkg.cmi src/topkg_pkg.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_ipc.cmi src/topkg_ipc.mli
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_pkg.ml > src/topkg_pkg.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_build.cmx src/topkg_build.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_distrib.cmx src/topkg_distrib.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_install.cmx src/topkg_install.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_publish.ml > src/topkg_publish.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_publish.cmx src/topkg_publish.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_pkg.cmx src/topkg_pkg.ml
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_main.ml > src/topkg_main.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/topkg_main.mli > src/topkg_main.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_main.cmi src/topkg_main.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_ipc.cmx src/topkg_ipc.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_main.cmx src/topkg_main.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg.cmx src/topkg.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -I src src/topkg_string.cmx src/topkg_fpath.cmx src/topkg_cmd.cmx src/topkg_result.cmx src/topkg_log.cmx src/topkg_os.cmx src/topkg_codec.cmx src/topkg_vcs.cmx src/topkg_conf.cmx src/topkg_build.cmx src/topkg_opam.cmx src/topkg_distrib.cmx src/topkg_fexts.cmx src/topkg_test.cmx src/topkg_install.cmx src/topkg_publish.cmx src/topkg_pkg.cmx src/topkg_ipc.cmx src/topkg_main.cmx src/topkg.cmx -o src/topkg.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -I src src/topkg.cmxa -o src/topkg.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg.cmo src/topkg.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_build.cmo src/topkg_build.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_cmd.cmo src/topkg_cmd.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_codec.cmo src/topkg_codec.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_conf.cmo src/topkg_conf.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_distrib.cmo src/topkg_distrib.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fexts.cmo src/topkg_fexts.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_fpath.cmo src/topkg_fpath.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_install.cmo src/topkg_install.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_ipc.cmo src/topkg_ipc.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_log.cmo src/topkg_log.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_main.cmo src/topkg_main.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_opam.cmo src/topkg_opam.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_os.cmo src/topkg_os.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_pkg.cmo src/topkg_pkg.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_publish.cmo src/topkg_publish.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_result.cmo src/topkg_result.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_string.cmo src/topkg_string.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_test.cmo src/topkg_test.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I src-bin -I src-care -I test -o src/topkg_vcs.cmo src/topkg_vcs.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -I src src/topkg_string.cmo src/topkg_fpath.cmo src/topkg_cmd.cmo src/topkg_result.cmo src/topkg_log.cmo src/topkg_os.cmo src/topkg_codec.cmo src/topkg_vcs.cmo src/topkg_conf.cmo src/topkg_build.cmo src/topkg_opam.cmo src/topkg_distrib.cmo src/topkg_fexts.cmo src/topkg_test.cmo src/topkg_install.cmo src/topkg_publish.cmo src/topkg_pkg.cmo src/topkg_ipc.cmo src/topkg_main.cmo src/topkg.cmo -o src/topkg.cma
- # Parallel statistics: { count(total): 2(84), max: 20, min: 2, average(total): 11.000(1.238) }
-> compiled  topkg.1.0.7
Processing 38/52: [decompress: dune build]
-> installed topkg.1.0.7
Processing 39/52: [decompress: dune build]
Processing 40/52: [decompress: dune build] [fmt: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/dune "build" "-p" "decompress" "-j" "15" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/decompress.1.5.3)
-> compiled  decompress.1.5.3
Processing 40/52: [fmt: ocaml build]
-> installed decompress.1.5.3
Processing 41/52: [fmt: ocaml build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocaml "pkg/pkg.ml" "build" "--dev-pkg" "false" "--with-base-unix" "true" "--with-cmdliner" "true" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/fmt.0.9.0)
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/fmt.ml > src/fmt.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -modules src/fmt.mli > src/fmt.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/fmt.cmi src/fmt.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/fmt.cmx src/fmt.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -I src src/fmt.cmx -o src/fmt.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -I src src/fmt.cmxa -o src/fmt.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -I src -I test -o src/fmt.cmo src/fmt.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -I src src/fmt.cmo -o src/fmt.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package unix -modules src/fmt_tty.ml > src/fmt_tty.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package unix -modules src/fmt_tty.mli > src/fmt_tty.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmi src/fmt_tty.mli
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmx src/fmt_tty.ml
- + ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmx src/fmt_tty.ml
- File "src/fmt_tty.ml", line 49, characters 12-20:
- 49 |         try is_infix "UTF-8" (String.uppercase_ascii (Sys.getenv var))
-                  ^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package unix -I src src/fmt_tty.cmx -o src/fmt_tty.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package unix -I src src/fmt_tty.cmxa -o src/fmt_tty.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmo src/fmt_tty.ml
- + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package unix -I src -I test -o src/fmt_tty.cmo src/fmt_tty.ml
- File "src/fmt_tty.ml", line 49, characters 12-20:
- 49 |         try is_infix "UTF-8" (String.uppercase_ascii (Sys.getenv var))
-                  ^^^^^^^^
- Warning 6 [labels-omitted]: label affix was omitted in the application of this function.
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package unix -I src src/fmt_tty.cmo -o src/fmt_tty.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package cmdliner -modules src/fmt_cli.ml > src/fmt_cli.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package cmdliner -modules src/fmt_cli.mli > src/fmt_cli.mli.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/fmt_cli.cmi src/fmt_cli.mli
- + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/fmt_cli.cmi src/fmt_cli.mli
- File "src/fmt_cli.mli", line 10, characters 26-42:
- 10 | val style_renderer : ?env:Cmdliner.Arg.env -> ?docs:string -> unit ->
-                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Alert deprecated: Cmdliner.Arg.env
- Use Cmd.Env.info instead.
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/fmt_cli.cmx src/fmt_cli.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package cmdliner -I src src/fmt_cli.cmx -o src/fmt_cli.cmxa
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package cmdliner -I src src/fmt_cli.cmxa -o src/fmt_cli.cmxs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package cmdliner -I src -I test -o src/fmt_cli.cmo src/fmt_cli.ml
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package cmdliner -I src src/fmt_cli.cmo -o src/fmt_cli.cma
- ocamlfind ocamldep -package compiler-libs.toplevel -modules src/fmt_top.ml > src/fmt_top.ml.depends
- ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/fmt_top.cmo src/fmt_top.ml
- + ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/fmt_top.cmo src/fmt_top.ml
- findlib: [WARNING] Interface topdirs.cmi occurs in several directories: /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml, /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/fmt_top.cmx src/fmt_top.ml
- + ocamlfind ocamlopt -c -g -bin-annot -safe-string -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src -I test -o src/fmt_top.cmx src/fmt_top.ml
- findlib: [WARNING] Interface topdirs.cmi occurs in several directories: /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml, /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/fmt_top.cmx -o src/fmt_top.cmxa
- + ocamlfind ocamlopt -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/fmt_top.cmx -o src/fmt_top.cmxa
- findlib: [WARNING] Interface topdirs.cmi occurs in several directories: /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml, /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs
- ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/fmt_top.cmxa -o src/fmt_top.cmxs
- + ocamlfind ocamlopt -shared -linkall -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/fmt_top.cmxa -o src/fmt_top.cmxs
- findlib: [WARNING] Interface topdirs.cmi occurs in several directories: /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml, /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs
- ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/fmt_top.cmo -o src/fmt_top.cma
- + ocamlfind ocamlc -a -package compiler-libs.toplevel -I src src/fmt_top.cmo -o src/fmt_top.cma
- findlib: [WARNING] Interface topdirs.cmi occurs in several directories: /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml, /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs
- # No parallelism done
-> compiled  fmt.0.9.0
-> installed fmt.0.9.0
Processing 43/52: [cstruct: dune build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/dune "build" "-p" "cstruct" "-j" "15" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/cstruct.6.2.0)
-> compiled  cstruct.6.2.0
-> installed cstruct.6.2.0
Processing 45/52: [eqaf: dune build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/dune "build" "-p" "eqaf" "-j" "15" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/eqaf.0.9)
-> compiled  eqaf.0.9
-> installed eqaf.0.9
Processing 47/52: [digestif: dune build]
+ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/dune "build" "-p" "digestif" "-j" "15" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/digestif.1.2.0)
-> compiled  digestif.1.2.0
-> installed digestif.1.2.0
Processing 49/52: [esperanto-cosmopolitan: gmake toolchain]
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "-C" "toolchain" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5)
- gmake: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain'
- Shared cache: disabled
- Shared cache location: /home/opam/.cache/dune/db
- Workspace root:
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain
- Auto-detected concurrency: 16
- Dune context:
-  { name = "default"
-  ; kind = "default"
-  ; profile = Dev
-  ; merlin = true
-  ; fdo_target_exe = None
-  ; build_dir = In_build_dir "default"
-  ; instrument_with = []
-  }
- File ".", line 1, characters 0-0:
- Warning: No dune-project file has been found in directory ".". A default one
- is assumed but the project might break when dune is upgraded. Please create a
- dune-project file.
- Hint: generate the project file with: $ dune init project <name>
- Running[1]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamldep.opt -modules -impl extract.ml) > _build/default/.extract.eobjs/dune__exe__Extract.impl.d
- Running[2]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamldep.opt -modules -impl zip.ml) > _build/default/.extract.eobjs/dune__exe__Zip.impl.d
- Running[3]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlc.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -w -49 -nopervasives -nostdlib -g -bin-annot -I .extract.eobjs/byte -no-alias-deps -opaque -o .extract.eobjs/byte/dune__exe.cmo -c -impl .extract.eobjs/dune__exe.ml-gen)
- Running[4]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamldep.opt -modules -intf extract.mli) > _build/default/.extract.eobjs/dune__exe__Extract.intf.d
- Running[5]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -w -49 -nopervasives -nostdlib -g -I .extract.eobjs/byte -I .extract.eobjs/native -intf-suffix .ml-gen -no-alias-deps -opaque -o .extract.eobjs/native/dune__exe.cmx -c -impl .extract.eobjs/dune__exe.ml-gen)
- Running[6]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlc.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -bin-annot -I .extract.eobjs/byte -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/checkseum/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/decompress/de -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/eqaf -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/optint -no-alias-deps -opaque -open Dune__exe -o .extract.eobjs/byte/dune__exe__Zip.cmo -c -impl zip.ml)
- Running[7]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlc.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -bin-annot -I .extract.eobjs/byte -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/checkseum/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/decompress/de -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/eqaf -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/optint -no-alias-deps -opaque -open Dune__exe -o .extract.eobjs/byte/dune__exe__Extract.cmi -c -intf extract.mli)
- Running[8]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -I .extract.eobjs/byte -I .extract.eobjs/native -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/checkseum/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/decompress/de -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/eqaf -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/optint -intf-suffix .ml -no-alias-deps -opaque -open Dune__exe -o .extract.eobjs/native/dune__exe__Extract.cmx -c -impl extract.ml)
- Running[9]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -I .extract.eobjs/byte -I .extract.eobjs/native -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/checkseum/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/decompress/de -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/eqaf -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/optint -intf-suffix .ml -no-alias-deps -opaque -open Dune__exe -o .extract.eobjs/native/dune__exe__Zip.cmx -c -impl zip.ml)
- Running[10]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -o extract.exe /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/unix.cmxa -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/optint/optint.cmxa /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/checkseum/c/checkseum_c.cmxa -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/checkseum/c /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/decompress/de/de.cmxa /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/eqaf/eqaf.cmxa /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c/digestif_c.cmxa -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c .extract.eobjs/native/dune__exe.cmx .extract.eobjs/native/dune__exe__Zip.cmx .extract.eobjs/native/dune__exe__Extract.cmx)
- Shared cache: disabled
- Shared cache location: /home/opam/.cache/dune/db
- Workspace root:
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain
- Auto-detected concurrency: 16
- Dune context:
-  { name = "default"
-  ; kind = "default"
-  ; profile = Dev
-  ; merlin = true
-  ; fdo_target_exe = None
-  ; build_dir = In_build_dir "default"
-  ; instrument_with = []
-  }
- File ".", line 1, characters 0-0:
- Warning: No dune-project file has been found in directory ".". A default one
- is assumed but the project might break when dune is upgraded. Please create a
- dune-project file.
- Hint: generate the project file with: $ dune init project <name>
- Shared cache: disabled
- Shared cache location: /home/opam/.cache/dune/db
- Workspace root:
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain
- Auto-detected concurrency: 16
- Dune context:
-  { name = "default"
-  ; kind = "default"
-  ; profile = Dev
-  ; merlin = true
-  ; fdo_target_exe = None
-  ; build_dir = In_build_dir "default"
-  ; instrument_with = []
-  }
- File ".", line 1, characters 0-0:
- Warning: No dune-project file has been found in directory ".". A default one
- is assumed but the project might break when dune is upgraded. Please create a
- dune-project file.
- Hint: generate the project file with: $ dune init project <name>
- gmake: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- gmake: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain'
-> compiled  esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5
Processing 50/52: [esperanto-cosmopolitan: gmake toolchain]
+ /usr/local/bin/gmake "-C" "toolchain" "PREFIX=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1" "install" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5)
- gmake: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain'
- Shared cache: disabled
- Shared cache location: /home/opam/.cache/dune/db
- Workspace root:
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain
- Auto-detected concurrency: 16
- Dune context:
-  { name = "default"
-  ; kind = "default"
-  ; profile = Dev
-  ; merlin = true
-  ; fdo_target_exe = None
-  ; build_dir = In_build_dir "default"
-  ; instrument_with = []
-  }
- File ".", line 1, characters 0-0:
- Warning: No dune-project file has been found in directory ".". A default one
- is assumed but the project might break when dune is upgraded. Please create a
- dune-project file.
- Hint: generate the project file with: $ dune init project <name>
- Shared cache: disabled
- Shared cache location: /home/opam/.cache/dune/db
- Workspace root:
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain
- Auto-detected concurrency: 16
- Dune context:
-  { name = "default"
-  ; kind = "default"
-  ; profile = Dev
-  ; merlin = true
-  ; fdo_target_exe = None
-  ; build_dir = In_build_dir "default"
-  ; instrument_with = []
-  }
- File ".", line 1, characters 0-0:
- Warning: No dune-project file has been found in directory ".". A default one
- is assumed but the project might break when dune is upgraded. Please create a
- dune-project file.
- Hint: generate the project file with: $ dune init project <name>
- Shared cache: disabled
- Shared cache location: /home/opam/.cache/dune/db
- Workspace root:
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain
- Auto-detected concurrency: 16
- Dune context:
-  { name = "default"
-  ; kind = "default"
-  ; profile = Dev
-  ; merlin = true
-  ; fdo_target_exe = None
-  ; build_dir = In_build_dir "default"
-  ; instrument_with = []
-  }
- File ".", line 1, characters 0-0:
- Warning: No dune-project file has been found in directory ".". A default one
- is assumed but the project might break when dune is upgraded. Please create a
- dune-project file.
- Hint: generate the project file with: $ dune init project <name>
-  INSTALL /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1
- Shared cache: disabled
- Shared cache location: /home/opam/.cache/dune/db
- Workspace root:
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain
- Auto-detected concurrency: 16
- Dune context:
-  { name = "default"
-  ; kind = "default"
-  ; profile = Dev
-  ; merlin = true
-  ; fdo_target_exe = None
-  ; build_dir = In_build_dir "default"
-  ; instrument_with = []
-  }
- File ".", line 1, characters 0-0:
- Warning: No dune-project file has been found in directory ".". A default one
- is assumed but the project might break when dune is upgraded. Please create a
- dune-project file.
- Hint: generate the project file with: $ dune init project <name>
- Running[1]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlc.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -bin-annot -I .install.eobjs/byte -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/eqaf -no-alias-deps -opaque -o .install.eobjs/byte/dune__exe__Install.cmi -c -intf install.mli)
- Running[2]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -I .install.eobjs/byte -I .install.eobjs/native -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/eqaf -intf-suffix .ml -no-alias-deps -opaque -o .install.eobjs/native/dune__exe__Install.cmx -c -impl install.ml)
- Running[3]: (cd _build/default && /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlopt.opt -w @1..3@5..28@31..39@43@46..47@49..57@61..62@67@69-40 -strict-sequence -strict-formats -short-paths -keep-locs -g -o install.exe /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml/unix.cmxa -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/ocaml /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/eqaf/eqaf.cmxa /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c/digestif_c.cmxa -I /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/digestif/c .install.eobjs/native/dune__exe__Install.cmx)
-  INSTALL ld.bfd
-  INSTALL cc1plus
-  INSTALL collect2
-  INSTALL cc1
-  INSTALL collect2
-  INSTALL cc1
-  INSTALL ld.bfd
-  INSTALL cc1plus
-  INSTALL ape-no-modify-self.o
-  INSTALL crt.o
-  INSTALL librt.a
-  INSTALL libpthread.a
-  INSTALL ape.o
-  INSTALL libcosmo.a
-  INSTALL ape.lds
-  INSTALL libresolv.a
-  INSTALL libc.a
-  INSTALL libcxx.a
-  INSTALL libdl.a
-  INSTALL libm.a
-  INSTALL libstdc++.a
-  INSTALL libgcc_s.a
-  INSTALL libz.a
-  INSTALL pecheck
-  INSTALL zipobj
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-strip
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-objdump
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-addr2line
-  INSTALL mktemper
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-size
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-ranlib
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-strip
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-nm
-  INSTALL ape-aarch64.elf
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-objcopy
-  INSTALL ape-m1.c
-  INSTALL cosmocc
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-gcc
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-g++
-  INSTALL zipcopy
-  INSTALL ape-x86_64.elf
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-nm
-  INSTALL ape-x86_64.macho
-  INSTALL cosmoar
-  INSTALL cosmoinstall
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-objdump
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-addr2line
-  INSTALL cosmoaddr2line
-  INSTALL cosmocross
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-objcopy
-  INSTALL make
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-size
-  INSTALL march-native
-  INSTALL ctags
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-elfedit
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-c++filt
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-readelf
-  INSTALL aarch64-unknown-cosmo-install
-  INSTALL apelink
-  INSTALL assimilate
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-ar
-  INSTALL mkdeps
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-elfedit
-  INSTALL aarch64-linux-cosmo-c++filt
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-readelf
-  INSTALL x86_64-unknown-cosmo-install
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-ar
-  INSTALL fixupobj
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-ranlib
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-gcc
-  INSTALL x86_64-linux-cosmo-g++
-  INSTALL librt.a
-  INSTALL libz.a
-  INSTALL libstdc++.a
-  INSTALL libcosmo.a
-  INSTALL libm.a
-  INSTALL libc.a
-  INSTALL libcxx.a
-  INSTALL libdl.a
-  INSTALL aarch64.lds
-  INSTALL libpthread.a
-  INSTALL crt.o
-  INSTALL libgcc_s.a
-  INSTALL libresolv.a
-  INSTALL args.h
-  INSTALL time.h
-  INSTALL signal.h
-  INSTALL poll.h
-  INSTALL utsname.h
-  INSTALL procfs.h
-  INSTALL sysmacros.h
-  INSTALL un.h
-  INSTALL mman.h
-  INSTALL ptrace.h
-  INSTALL wait.h
-  INSTALL random.h
-  INSTALL fcntl.h
-  INSTALL dir.h
-  INSTALL statfs.h
-  INSTALL file.h
-  INSTALL auxv.h
-  INSTALL stat.h
-  INSTALL mount.h
-  INSTALL sendfile.h
-  INSTALL statvfs.h
-  INSTALL socket.h
-  INSTALL ttydefaults.h
-  INSTALL user.h
-  INSTALL cdefs.h
-  INSTALL event.h
-  INSTALL select.h
-  INSTALL termios.h
-  INSTALL syscall.h
-  INSTALL resource.h
-  INSTALL ipc.h
-  INSTALL ucontext.h
-  INSTALL ioctl.h
-  INSTALL prctl.h
-  INSTALL vfs.h
-  INSTALL reboot.h
-  INSTALL sysinfo.h
-  INSTALL times.h
-  INSTALL msg.h
-  INSTALL types.h
-  INSTALL param.h
-  INSTALL errno.h
-  INSTALL uio.h
-  INSTALL notice.inc
-  INSTALL ape.internal.h
-  INSTALL ape.h
-  INSTALL idata.internal.h
-  INSTALL sections.internal.h
-  INSTALL macros.internal.h
-  INSTALL relocations.h
-  INSTALL inet.h
-  INSTALL tls.h
-  INSTALL itimer.internal.h
-  INSTALL semaphore.h
-  INSTALL freebsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL pt.internal.h
-  INSTALL openbsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL tls2.internal.h
-  INSTALL thread.h
-  INSTALL xnu.internal.h
-  INSTALL posixthread.internal.h
-  INSTALL thread2.h
-  INSTALL asancodes.h
-  INSTALL likely.h
-  INSTALL palignr.h
-  INSTALL punpckhbw.h
-  INSTALL cxaatexit.internal.h
-  INSTALL setjmp.internal.h
-  INSTALL segmentation.h
-  INSTALL describeflags.internal.h
-  INSTALL packsswb.h
-  INSTALL nomultics.internal.h
-  INSTALL atomic.h
-  INSTALL pcmpgtb.h
-  INSTALL punpcklwd.h
-  INSTALL bsf.h
-  INSTALL pmovmskb.h
-  INSTALL asmflag.h
-  INSTALL xchg.internal.h
-  INSTALL describebacktrace.internal.h
-  INSTALL pcmpgtw.h
-  INSTALL bsr.h
-  INSTALL repstosb.h
-  INSTALL strace.internal.h
-  INSTALL bswap.h
-  INSTALL cmpxchg.h
-  INSTALL newbie.h
-  INSTALL pmulhrsw.h
-  INSTALL packuswb.h
-  INSTALL dos2errno.internal.h
-  INSTALL paddw.h
-  INSTALL kprintf.h
-  INSTALL getenv.internal.h
-  INSTALL punpckhwd.h
-  INSTALL getauxval.internal.h
-  INSTALL psraw.h
-  INSTALL weaken.h
-  INSTALL asan.internal.h
-  INSTALL popcnt.h
-  INSTALL directmap.internal.h
-  INSTALL leaky.internal.h
-  INSTALL safemacros.internal.h
-  INSTALL pandn.h
-  INSTALL promises.internal.h
-  INSTALL pmaddubsw.h
-  INSTALL repmovsb.h
-  INSTALL hilbert.h
-  INSTALL extend.internal.h
-  INSTALL pushpop.internal.h
-  INSTALL ulock.h
-  INSTALL describentoverlapped.internal.h
-  INSTALL dll.h
-  INSTALL punpcklbw.h
-  INSTALL macros.h
-  INSTALL syscall.h
-  INSTALL hex.internal.h
-  INSTALL big5.inc
-  INSTALL sysparam.h
-  INSTALL stdio.h
-  INSTALL revjis.inc
-  INSTALL lcg.internal.h
-  INSTALL strlist.internal.h
-  INSTALL ftw.h
-  INSTALL internal.h
-  INSTALL fflush.internal.h
-  INSTALL hkscs.inc
-  INSTALL gb18030.inc
-  INSTALL append.h
-  INSTALL rand.h
-  INSTALL stdio_ext.h
-  INSTALL dprintf.h
-  INSTALL ksc.inc
-  INSTALL legacychars.inc
-  INSTALL iconv.h
-  INSTALL jis0208.inc
-  INSTALL codepages.inc
-  INSTALL libgen.h
-  INSTALL bing.internal.h
-  INSTALL divmod10.internal.h
-  INSTALL conv.h
-  INSTALL leb128.h
-  INSTALL internal.h
-  INSTALL wintime.internal.h
-  INSTALL itoa.h
-  INSTALL magnumstrs.internal.h
-  INSTALL alloca.h
-  INSTALL reverse.internal.h
-  INSTALL arraylist.internal.h
-  INSTALL internal.h
-  INSTALL arraylist2.internal.h
-  INSTALL shuffle.internal.h
-  INSTALL gc.internal.h
-  INSTALL alg.h
-  INSTALL bisect.internal.h
-  INSTALL hook.internal.h
-  INSTALL sortedints.internal.h
-  INSTALL mem.h
-  INSTALL gc.h
-  INSTALL critbit0.h
-  INSTALL uio.h
-  INSTALL un.h
-  INSTALL msg.h
-  INSTALL mount.h
-  INSTALL utsname.h
-  INSTALL vfs.h
-  INSTALL event.h
-  INSTALL procfs.h
-  INSTALL cdefs.h
-  INSTALL ttydefaults.h
-  INSTALL ipc.h
-  INSTALL signal.h
-  INSTALL ioctl.h
-  INSTALL statfs.h
-  INSTALL user.h
-  INSTALL random.h
-  INSTALL param.h
-  INSTALL errno.h
-  INSTALL types.h
-  INSTALL ptrace.h
-  INSTALL times.h
-  INSTALL stat.h
-  INSTALL prctl.h
-  INSTALL file.h
-  INSTALL auxv.h
-  INSTALL statvfs.h
-  INSTALL dir.h
-  INSTALL select.h
-  INSTALL socket.h
-  INSTALL wait.h
-  INSTALL termios.h
-  INSTALL mman.h
-  INSTALL sendfile.h
-  INSTALL syscall.h
-  INSTALL reboot.h
-  INSTALL ucontext.h
-  INSTALL sysinfo.h
-  INSTALL poll.h
-  INSTALL sysmacros.h
-  INSTALL fcntl.h
-  INSTALL time.h
-  INSTALL resource.h
-  INSTALL inet.h
-  INSTALL if_arp.h
-  INSTALL if.h
-  INSTALL ethernet.h
-  INSTALL futex.h
-  INSTALL types.h
-  INSTALL param.h
-  INSTALL limits.h
-  INSTALL tcp.h
-  INSTALL udp.h
-  INSTALL ip.h
-  INSTALL in.h
-  INSTALL cxxabi.h
-  INSTALL cpio.h
-  INSTALL iterator
-  INSTALL cstring
-  INSTALL features.h
-  INSTALL condition_variable
-  INSTALL alloca.h
-  INSTALL ar.h
-  INSTALL exception
-  INSTALL mutex
-  INSTALL byteswap.h
-  INSTALL arm_acle.h
-  INSTALL inttypes.h
-  INSTALL utmp.h
-  INSTALL set
-  INSTALL iconv.h
-  INSTALL fstream
-  INSTALL cfenv
-  INSTALL xmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL limits
-  INSTALL array
-  INSTALL nsync_waiter.h
-  INSTALL atomic
-  INSTALL unistd.h
-  INSTALL time.h
-  INSTALL span
-  INSTALL float.h
-  INSTALL memory
-  INSTALL strstream
-  INSTALL sstream
-  INSTALL limits.h
-  INSTALL poll.h
-  INSTALL bit
-  INSTALL new
-  INSTALL regex
-  INSTALL sched.h
-  INSTALL variant
-  INSTALL typeinfo
-  INSTALL cctype
-  INSTALL ctgmath
-  INSTALL cstdlib
-  INSTALL stdc-predef.h
-  INSTALL ctime
-  INSTALL popcntintrin.h
-  INSTALL stdio_ext.h
-  INSTALL cstdint
-  INSTALL smmintrin.h
-  INSTALL stdatomic.h
-  INSTALL csetjmp
-  INSTALL csignal
-  INSTALL wait.h
-  INSTALL locale
-  INSTALL complex.h
-  INSTALL langinfo.h
-  INSTALL nsync.h
-  INSTALL nsync_mu.h
-  INSTALL cstdbool
-  INSTALL mwaitxintrin.h
-  INSTALL initializer_list
-  INSTALL tuple
-  INSTALL functional
-  INSTALL stdalign.h
-  INSTALL ios
-  INSTALL cosmo.h
-  INSTALL cerrno
-  INSTALL pmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL ratio
-  INSTALL mm3dnow.h
-  INSTALL nl_types.h
-  INSTALL grp.h
-  INSTALL elf.h
-  INSTALL stdexcept
-  INSTALL shared_mutex
-  INSTALL mm_malloc.h
-  INSTALL wmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL system_error
-  INSTALL any
-  INSTALL search.h
-  INSTALL stdarg.h
-  INSTALL string.h
-  INSTALL signal.h
-  INSTALL nsync_mu_wait.h
-  INSTALL complex
-  INSTALL unordered_map
-  INSTALL pthread.h
-  INSTALL fcntl.h
-  INSTALL paths.h
-  INSTALL ucontext.h
-  INSTALL math.h
-  INSTALL istream
-  INSTALL tmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL stdint.h
-  INSTALL arm_fp16.h
-  INSTALL crypt.h
-  INSTALL wchar.h
-  INSTALL syslog.h
-  INSTALL immintrin.h
-  INSTALL forward_list
-  INSTALL cstdio
-  INSTALL x86intrin.h
-  INSTALL string_view
-  INSTALL stdnoreturn.h
-  INSTALL future
-  INSTALL cwctype
-  INSTALL utime.h
-  INSTALL ccomplex
-  INSTALL valarray
-  INSTALL map
-  INSTALL dlfcn.h
-  INSTALL libgen.h
-  INSTALL err.h
-  INSTALL nsync_once.h
-  INSTALL compare
-  INSTALL mntent.h
-  INSTALL typeindex
-  INSTALL assert.h
-  INSTALL queue
-  INSTALL endian.h
-  INSTALL cpuid.h
-  INSTALL cstdarg
-  INSTALL mmintrin.h
-  INSTALL arm_bf16.h
-  INSTALL semaphore.h
-  INSTALL monetary.h
-  INSTALL list
-  INSTALL random
-  INSTALL sgxintrin.h
-  INSTALL fnmatch.h
-  INSTALL stdbool.h
-  INSTALL iomanip
-  INSTALL nsync_cv.h
-  INSTALL setjmp.h
-  INSTALL execution
-  INSTALL streambuf
-  INSTALL thread
-  INSTALL spawn.h
-  INSTALL clocale
-  INSTALL ostream
-  INSTALL ciso646
-  INSTALL iosfwd
-  INSTALL vector
-  INSTALL winternl.h
-  INSTALL locale.h
-  INSTALL cinttypes
-  INSTALL pwd.h
-  INSTALL fenv.h
-  INSTALL nmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL nsync_note.h
-  INSTALL cmath
-  INSTALL ctype.h
-  INSTALL wctype.h
-  INSTALL cwchar
-  INSTALL getopt.h
-  INSTALL cfloat
-  INSTALL iso646.h
-  INSTALL chrono
-  INSTALL stdckdint.h
-  INSTALL codecvt
-  INSTALL arm_neon.h
-  INSTALL stdlib.h
-  INSTALL uchar.h
-  INSTALL nsync_counter.h
-  INSTALL ammintrin.h
-  INSTALL stdio.h
-  INSTALL strings.h
-  INSTALL nsync_debug.h
-  INSTALL netdb.h
-  INSTALL uio.h
-  INSTALL clzerointrin.h
-  INSTALL regex.h
-  INSTALL filesystem
-  INSTALL optional
-  INSTALL bitset
-  INSTALL type_traits
-  INSTALL charconv
-  INSTALL cassert
-  INSTALL utility
-  INSTALL utmpx.h
-  INSTALL climits
-  INSTALL nsync_time.h
-  INSTALL dirent.h
-  INSTALL version
-  INSTALL glob.h
-  INSTALL unordered_set
-  INSTALL ifaddrs.h
-  INSTALL nsync_atomic.h
-  INSTALL iostream
-  INSTALL deque
-  INSTALL errno.h
-  INSTALL termios.h
-  INSTALL pty.h
-  INSTALL emmintrin.h
-  INSTALL sysexits.h
-  INSTALL memory.h
-  INSTALL cstddef
-  INSTALL ftw.h
-  INSTALL tgmath.h
-  INSTALL stack
-  INSTALL malloc.h
-  INSTALL scoped_allocator
-  INSTALL stddef.h
-  INSTALL numeric
-  INSTALL string
-  INSTALL algorithm
-  INSTALL utimbuf.h
-  INSTALL utimbuf.internal.h
-  INSTALL tm.h
-  INSTALL timezone.h
-  INSTALL tzfile.internal.h
-  INSTALL time.h
-  INSTALL clockstonanos.internal.h
-  INSTALL tz.internal.h
-  INSTALL fsctl.h
-  INSTALL jobobjectinfoclass.h
-  INSTALL ofn.h
-  INSTALL ioctl.h
-  INSTALL cw.h
-  INSTALL errormodeflags.h
-  INSTALL wsa.h
-  INSTALL creationdisposition.h
-  INSTALL consoleselectionflags.h
-  INSTALL afd.h
-  INSTALL regtype.h
-  INSTALL exceptionhandleractions.h
-  INSTALL threadaccess.h
-  INSTALL threadstate.h
-  INSTALL color.h
-  INSTALL computernameformat.h
-  INSTALL fileflagandattributes.h
-  INSTALL procthreadattributes.h
-  INSTALL copyfile.h
-  INSTALL pdh.h
-  INSTALL fileinformationclass.h
-  INSTALL heap.h
-  INSTALL sw.h
-  INSTALL mf.h
-  INSTALL tokeninformationclass.h
-  INSTALL importobjecttype.h
-  INSTALL offerpriority.h
-  INSTALL tpm.h
-  INSTALL accessmask.h
-  INSTALL keyinformationclass.h
-  INSTALL vk.h
-  INSTALL sc.h
-  INSTALL lang.h
-  INSTALL wa.h
-  INSTALL movefileexflags.h
-  INSTALL consolemodeflags.h
-  INSTALL io.h
-  INSTALL event.h
-  INSTALL replacefile.h
-  INSTALL context.h
-  INSTALL sectioninformationclass.h
-  INSTALL filetype.h
-  INSTALL wait.h
-  INSTALL filesharemode.h
-  INSTALL wt.h
-  INSTALL kwaitreason.h
-  INSTALL ctrlevent.h
-  INSTALL pageflags.h
-  INSTALL fileinfobyhandleclass.h
-  INSTALL ht.h
-  INSTALL th32cs.h
-  INSTALL sectionmapflags.h
-  INSTALL fsinformationclass.h
-  INSTALL threadinfoclass.h
-  INSTALL valueinformationclass.h
-  INSTALL getfileexinfolevels.h
-  INSTALL sio.h
-  INSTALL systeminformationclass.h
-  INSTALL signal.h
-  INSTALL wsaid.h
-  INSTALL imageauxsymboltype.h
-  INSTALL bitblt.h
-  INSTALL callback.h
-  INSTALL memoryinformationclass.h
-  INSTALL lockfile.h
-  INSTALL mb.h
-  INSTALL filemapflags.h
-  INSTALL tokentype.h
-  INSTALL threadpriority.h
-  INSTALL status.h
-  INSTALL findexinfolevels.h
-  INSTALL size.h
-  INSTALL sectioninherit.h
-  INSTALL ws.h
-  INSTALL symboliclink.h
-  INSTALL reggetvalueflags.h
-  INSTALL processinfoclass.h
-  INSTALL securityinformation.h
-  INSTALL idc.h
-  INSTALL objectinformationclass.h
-  INSTALL statfs.h
-  INSTALL importobjectnametype.h
-  INSTALL memflags.h
-  INSTALL securityimpersonationlevel.h
-  INSTALL filelockflags.h
-  INSTALL mk.h
-  INSTALL startf.h
-  INSTALL pwr.h
-  INSTALL loadlibrarysearch.h
-  INSTALL formatmessageflags.h
-  INSTALL version.h
-  INSTALL dialogresult.h
-  INSTALL findexsearchops.h
-  INSTALL progress.h
-  INSTALL fillattribute.h
-  INSTALL processcreationflags.h
-  INSTALL processaccess.h
-  INSTALL eventtype.h
-  INSTALL cs.h
-  INSTALL rdw.h
-  INSTALL keyaccess.h
-  INSTALL keyedevent.h
-  INSTALL wm.h
-  INSTALL filemovemethod.h
-  INSTALL systeminfo.inc
-  INSTALL runtime.inc
-  INSTALL winsock.inc
-  INSTALL process.inc
-  INSTALL startupinfo.inc
-  INSTALL accounting.inc
-  INSTALL thread.inc
-  INSTALL ntfile.inc
-  INSTALL ntdll.inc
-  INSTALL console.inc
-  INSTALL paint.inc
-  INSTALL msabi.h
-  INSTALL synchronization.inc
-  INSTALL signals.inc
-  INSTALL memory.inc
-  INSTALL files.inc
-  INSTALL handlerroutine.h
-  INSTALL wambda.h
-  INSTALL hookproc.h
-  INSTALL imagetlscallback.h
-  INSTALL exceptionhandler.h
-  INSTALL pknormalroutine.h
-  INSTALL timerproc.h
-  INSTALL wndenumproc.h
-  INSTALL wndproc.h
-  INSTALL ioapcroutine.h
-  INSTALL process.inc
-  INSTALL time.inc
-  INSTALL thread.h
-  INSTALL process.h
-  INSTALL time.h
-  INSTALL loader.h
-  INSTALL debug.h
-  INSTALL key.h
-  INSTALL memory.h
-  INSTALL sections.h
-  INSTALL signing.h
-  INSTALL file.h
-  INSTALL ipc.h
-  INSTALL consoleselectioninfo.h
-  INSTALL peb.h
-  INSTALL iocounters.h
-  INSTALL filefulleainformation.h
-  INSTALL startupinfoex.h
-  INSTALL imageimportbyname.internal.h
-  INSTALL filealignmentinformation.h
-  INSTALL imageenclaveconfig.internal.h
-  INSTALL imagehotpatchinfo.internal.h
-  INSTALL filenetworkopeninformation.h
-  INSTALL fdset.h
-  INSTALL privilegeset.h
-  INSTALL sectionimageinformation.h
-  INSTALL systemprocessorperformanceinformation.h
-  INSTALL securitydescriptor.h
-  INSTALL filestreaminformation.h
-  INSTALL iovec.h
-  INSTALL imageresourcedirectory.internal.h
-  INSTALL rtluserprocessinformation.h
-  INSTALL fileaccessinformation.h
-  INSTALL processbasicinformation.h
-  INSTALL procthreadattributelist.h
-  INSTALL imagehotpatchbase.internal.h
-  INSTALL ntexceptionpointers.h
-  INSTALL imageromoptionalheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL consolecursorinfo.h
-  INSTALL filemailslotsetinformation.h
-  INSTALL filenameinformation.h
-  INSTALL filecompressioninfo.h
-  INSTALL filebothdirectoryinformation.h
-  INSTALL imagetlsdirectory.internal.h
-  INSTALL securityattributes.h
-  INSTALL consolescreenbufferinfo.h
-  INSTALL imagehotpatchhashes.internal.h
-  INSTALL imageenclaveimport.internal.h
-  INSTALL objectnameinformation.h
-  INSTALL context.h
-  INSTALL imageboundimportdescriptor.internal.h
-  INSTALL paintstruct.h
-  INSTALL luid.h
-  INSTALL rect.h
-  INSTALL filesegmentelement.h
-  INSTALL imageauxsymboltokendef.internal.h
-  INSTALL imagedosheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL systeminfo.h
-  INSTALL osversioninfo.h
-  INSTALL point.h
-  INSTALL imagethunkdata.internal.h
-  INSTALL filestandardinformation.h
-  INSTALL imageexportdirectory.internal.h
-  INSTALL systemthreads.h
-  INSTALL userstack.h
-  INSTALL clientid.h
-  INSTALL imageloadconfigdirectory.internal.h
-  INSTALL filezerodatainformation.h
-  INSTALL imagedynamicrelocationv2.internal.h
-  INSTALL systemregistryquotainformation.h
-  INSTALL wndclassex.h
-  INSTALL fileallocationinformation.h
-  INSTALL systemlookasideinformation.h
-  INSTALL systemexceptioninformation.h
-  INSTALL afd.h
-  INSTALL acl.h
-  INSTALL imagelinenumber.internal.h
-  INSTALL linger.h
-  INSTALL fileeainformation.h
-  INSTALL filenamesinformation.h
-  INSTALL processentry32.h
-  INSTALL filepositioninformation.h
-  INSTALL imagerelocation.internal.h
-  INSTALL win32finddata.h
-  INSTALL importobjectheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL systemperformanceinformation.h
-  INSTALL imagedelayloaddescriptor.internal.h
-  INSTALL pdhfmtcountervalue.h
-  INSTALL startupinfo.h
-  INSTALL imageruntimefunctionentry.internal.h
-  INSTALL vmcounters.h
-  INSTALL systeminterruptinformation.h
-  INSTALL windowplacement.h
-  INSTALL memoryrangeentry.h
-  INSTALL imageprologuedynamicrelocationheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL genericmapping.h
-  INSTALL editmenu.h
-  INSTALL systemhandleinformation.h
-  INSTALL imagedebugdirectory.internal.h
-  INSTALL byhandlefileinformation.h
-  INSTALL imageseparatedebugheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL rtluserprocessparameters.h
-  INSTALL imageresourcedirstring.internal.h
-  INSTALL fileendoffileinformation.h
-  INSTALL ansistring.h
-  INSTALL msg.h
-  INSTALL nonpageddebuginfo.h
-  INSTALL timeval.h
-  INSTALL systemprocessorinformation.h
-  INSTALL imagearchivememberheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL filetime.h
-  INSTALL imageepiloguedynamicrelocationheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL filedirectoryinformation.h
-  INSTALL systemtimeofdayinformation.h
-  INSTALL objectallinformation.h
-  INSTALL systemtime.h
-  INSTALL openfilename.h
-  INSTALL consolescreenbufferinfoex.h
-  INSTALL unicodestring.h
-  INSTALL drawtextparams.h
-  INSTALL fileattributetaginformation.h
-  INSTALL inputrecord.h
-  INSTALL kernelusertimes.h
-  INSTALL imagentheaders.internal.h
-  INSTALL objectbasicinformation.h
-  INSTALL imageimportdescriptor.internal.h
-  INSTALL iostatusblock.h
-  INSTALL win32fileattributedata.h
-  INSTALL imageresourcedirectoryentry.internal.h
-  INSTALL imageceruntimefunctionentry.internal.h
-  INSTALL fpodata.h
-  INSTALL imagedynamicrelocation.internal.h
-  INSTALL memorystatusex.h
-  INSTALL imagedebugmisc.internal.h
-  INSTALL processmemorycounters.h
-  INSTALL exceptionframe.h
-  INSTALL imageboundforwarderref.internal.h
-  INSTALL size.h
-  INSTALL filemodeinformation.h
-  INSTALL imagedatadirectory.internal.h
-  INSTALL tokenprivileges.h
-  INSTALL valent.h
-  INSTALL memorybasicinformation.h
-  INSTALL guid.h
-  INSTALL imagesectionheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL processinformation.h
-  INSTALL imagedynamicrelocationtable.internal.h
-  INSTALL luidandattributes.h
-  INSTALL filepipelocalinformation.h
-  INSTALL filemailslotqueryinformation.h
-  INSTALL filefulldirectoryinformation.h
-  INSTALL imageloadconfigcodeintegrity.internal.h
-  INSTALL ipadapteraddresses.h
-  INSTALL pollfd.h
-  INSTALL charinfo.h
-  INSTALL ldr.h
-  INSTALL imagebaserelocation.internal.h
-  INSTALL systemprocessinformation.h
-  INSTALL systembasicinformation.h
-  INSTALL overlappedentry.h
-  INSTALL criticalsection.h
-  INSTALL imageauxsymbolex.internal.h
-  INSTALL fileinternalinformation.h
-  INSTALL filerenameinformation.h
-  INSTALL imagefileheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL linkedlist.h
-  INSTALL systemhandleentry.h
-  INSTALL teb.h
-  INSTALL overlapped.h
-  INSTALL imagesymbol.internal.h
-  INSTALL coord.h
-  INSTALL fileallinformation.h
-  INSTALL imagesymbolex.internal.h
-  INSTALL filefsfullsizeinformation.h
-  INSTALL imagecoffsymbolsheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL filebasicinfo.h
-  INSTALL imageresourcedataentry.internal.h
-  INSTALL wndclass.h
-  INSTALL reparsedatabuffer.h
-  INSTALL filedispositioninformation.h
-  INSTALL imageauxsymbol.internal.h
-  INSTALL imageoptionalheader.internal.h
-  INSTALL objecttypeinformation.h
-  INSTALL smallrect.h
-  INSTALL filebasicinformation.h
-  INSTALL criticalsectiondebug.h
-  INSTALL ntexceptionrecord.h
-  INSTALL objectattributes.h
-  INSTALL ldrdatatableentry.h
-  INSTALL dll.h
-  INSTALL codegen.h
-  INSTALL accounting.h
-  INSTALL ntdllimport.h
-  INSTALL ntdll.h
-  INSTALL pdh.h
-  INSTALL efi.h
-  INSTALL thread.h
-  INSTALL files.h
-  INSTALL runtime.h
-  INSTALL debug.h
-  INSTALL signals.h
-  INSTALL registry.h
-  INSTALL pedef.internal.h
-  INSTALL errors.h
-  INSTALL createfile.h
-  INSTALL startupinfo.h
-  INSTALL comms.h
-  INSTALL memory.h
-  INSTALL iphlpapi.h
-  INSTALL windows.h
-  INSTALL messagebox.h
-  INSTALL iocp.h
-  INSTALL synchronization.h
-  INSTALL paint.h
-  INSTALL process.h
-  INSTALL winsock.h
-  INSTALL privilege.h
-  INSTALL system.h
-  INSTALL automation.h
-  INSTALL events.h
-  INSTALL console.h
-  INSTALL version.h
-  INSTALL ipc.h
-  INSTALL systeminfo.h
-  INSTALL comdlg.h
-  INSTALL cpuid4.internal.h
-  INSTALL kcpuids.h
-  INSTALL uart.internal.h
-  INSTALL crc32.h
-  INSTALL x86feature.h
-  INSTALL x87conf.inc
-  INSTALL stackframe.h
-  INSTALL nt2sysv.h
-  INSTALL trampoline.h
-  INSTALL bench.h
-  INSTALL msr.internal.h
-  INSTALL kompressor.h
-  INSTALL x86info.h
-  INSTALL sha.h
-  INSTALL ffs.h
-  INSTALL lz4.h
-  INSTALL vendor.internal.h
-  INSTALL rdtsc.h
-  INSTALL yield.h
-  INSTALL vidya.internal.h
-  INSTALL x86compiler.h
-  INSTALL macros.internal.inc
-  INSTALL macros.h
-  INSTALL hascharacter.internal.h
-  INSTALL nexgen32e.h
-  INSTALL cachesize.h
-  INSTALL gc.internal.h
-  INSTALL rdtscp.h
-  INSTALL pcmpstr.inc
-  INSTALL vga.internal.h
-  INSTALL tty-graph.inc
-  INSTALL dlfcn.h
-  INSTALL c.inc
-  INSTALL normalize.inc
-  INSTALL cxxtypescompat.inc
-  INSTALL lp64arg.inc
-  INSTALL lp64.inc
-  INSTALL llp64.inc
-  INSTALL cxx.inc
-  INSTALL f.h
-  INSTALL itimer.h
-  INSTALL mount.h
-  INSTALL waitid.h
-  INSTALL pt.h
-  INSTALL endian.h
-  INSTALL uc.h
-  INSTALL fileno.h
-  INSTALL lock.h
-  INSTALL prio.h
-  INSTALL falloc.h
-  INSTALL audit.h
-  INSTALL rlim.h
-  INSTALL utime.h
-  INSTALL l.h
-  INSTALL reboot.h
-  INSTALL mfd.h
-  INSTALL s.h
-  INSTALL ethernet.h
-  INSTALL baud.internal.h
-  INSTALL ipproto.h
-  INSTALL sio.h
-  INSTALL st.h
-  INSTALL fbio.h
-  INSTALL clock.h
-  INSTALL splice.h
-  INSTALL posix.h
-  INSTALL sol.h
-  INSTALL fio.h
-  INSTALL th.h
-  INSTALL sa.h
-  INSTALL exit.h
-  INSTALL dt.h
-  INSTALL shm.h
-  INSTALL io.h
-  INSTALL clone.h
-  INSTALL ip.h
-  INSTALL sig.h
-  INSTALL madv.h
-  INSTALL o.h
-  INSTALL at.h
-  INSTALL arch.h
-  INSTALL kd.h
-  INSTALL pty.h
-  INSTALL timer.h
-  INSTALL futex.h
-  INSTALL poll.h
-  INSTALL seek.h
-  INSTALL mlock.h
-  INSTALL termios.h
-  INSTALL hwcap.h
-  INSTALL inaddr.h
-  INSTALL cap.h
-  INSTALL nr.h
-  INSTALL map.h
-  INSTALL msg.h
-  INSTALL in.h
-  INSTALL ioprio.h
-  INSTALL _posix.h
-  INSTALL sicode.h
-  INSTALL xopen.h
-  INSTALL pr.h
-  INSTALL sf.h
-  INSTALL scm.h
-  INSTALL iff.h
-  INSTALL epoll.h
-  INSTALL close.h
-  INSTALL grnd.h
-  INSTALL ss.h
-  INSTALL read.h
-  INSTALL ptrace.h
-  INSTALL icmp6.h
-  INSTALL iov.h
-  INSTALL pf.h
-  INSTALL ipv6.h
-  INSTALL arp.h
-  INSTALL mremap.h
-  INSTALL sched.h
-  INSTALL ipport.h
-  INSTALL rusage.h
-  INSTALL ex.h
-  INSTALL msync.h
-  INSTALL fs.h
-  INSTALL limits.h
-  INSTALL prot.h
-  INSTALL modem.h
-  INSTALL mcast.h
-  INSTALL sock.h
-  INSTALL c.h
-  INSTALL shut.h
-  INSTALL kern.h
-  INSTALL rlimit.h
-  INSTALL nrlinux.h
-  INSTALL fd.h
-  INSTALL tcpopt.h
-  INSTALL inet6.h
-  INSTALL syscon.internal.h
-  INSTALL so.h
-  INSTALL lio.h
-  INSTALL fan.h
-  INSTALL personality.h
-  INSTALL w.h
-  INSTALL auxv.h
-  INSTALL unmount.h
-  INSTALL loglevel.h
-  INSTALL tcp.h
-  INSTALL ok.h
-  INSTALL log.h
-  INSTALL dn.h
-  INSTALL af.h
-  INSTALL errfuns.h
-  INSTALL macros.internal.h
-  INSTALL sockaddr.internal.h
-  INSTALL in6_pktinfo.h
-  INSTALL pollfd.internal.h
-  INSTALL in_pktinfo.h
-  INSTALL ether_header.h
-  INSTALL arphdr.h
-  INSTALL msghdr.h
-  INSTALL arpreq.h
-  INSTALL pollfd.h
-  INSTALL cmsghdr.internal.h
-  INSTALL ifreq.h
-  INSTALL sockaddr6.h
-  INSTALL sockaddr6-bsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL msghdr.internal.h
-  INSTALL ifconf.h
-  INSTALL sockaddr.h
-  INSTALL linger.h
-  INSTALL cmsghdr.h
-  INSTALL ip_mreq.h
-  INSTALL select.internal.h
-  INSTALL ifaddrs.h
-  INSTALL internal.h
-  INSTALL alg.h
-  INSTALL syscall_fd.internal.h
-  INSTALL sendfile.internal.h
-  INSTALL epoll.h
-  INSTALL select.h
-  INSTALL sock.h
-  INSTALL wsaid.internal.h
-  INSTALL goodsocket.internal.h
-  INSTALL syslog.h
-  INSTALL yoink.inc
-  INSTALL ipclassify.internal.h
-  INSTALL utf16.h
-  INSTALL mb.internal.h
-  INSTALL str.h
-  INSTALL langinfo.h
-  INSTALL tab.internal.h
-  INSTALL unicode.h
-  INSTALL nltypes.h
-  INSTALL tpdecodecb.internal.h
-  INSTALL locale.h
-  INSTALL thompike.h
-  INSTALL strwidth.h
-  INSTALL highwayhash64.h
-  INSTALL slice.h
-  INSTALL blake2.h
-  INSTALL wcwidth_osx.internal.h
-  INSTALL internal.h
-  INSTALL e820.internal.h
-  INSTALL fenv.h
-  INSTALL clktck.h
-  INSTALL metalprintf.internal.h
-  INSTALL syslib.internal.h
-  INSTALL symbols.internal.h
-  INSTALL stack.h
-  INSTALL pc.internal.h
-  INSTALL runtime.h
-  INSTALL pathconf.h
-  INSTALL zipos.internal.h
-  INSTALL utmp.h
-  INSTALL winargs.internal.h
-  INSTALL mman.internal.h
-  INSTALL sysconf.h
-  INSTALL unwind.h
-  INSTALL memtrack.internal.h
-  INSTALL utmpx.h
-  INSTALL auxv.h
-  INSTALL rela.h
-  INSTALL verdef.h
-  INSTALL rel.h
-  INSTALL phdr.h
-  INSTALL move.h
-  INSTALL dyn.h
-  INSTALL ehdr.h
-  INSTALL verneed.h
-  INSTALL verdaux.h
-  INSTALL sym.h
-  INSTALL syminfo.h
-  INSTALL vernaux.h
-  INSTALL chdr.h
-  INSTALL nhdr.h
-  INSTALL lib.h
-  INSTALL shdr.h
-  INSTALL elf.h
-  INSTALL pf2prot.internal.h
-  INSTALL scalar.h
-  INSTALL def.h
-  INSTALL tinyelf.internal.h
-  INSTALL sysinfo.internal.h
-  INSTALL timeval.internal.h
-  INSTALL sched_param.h
-  INSTALL itimerval.h
-  INSTALL bpf.internal.h
-  INSTALL sigaltstack.internal.h
-  INSTALL tms.h
-  INSTALL sigval.internal.h
-  INSTALL statfs-xnu.internal.h
-  INSTALL seccomp.internal.h
-  INSTALL sigaction.h
-  INSTALL statfs.h
-  INSTALL sigset.internal.h
-  INSTALL rusage.h
-  INSTALL sysinfo.h
-  INSTALL siginfo-meta.internal.h
-  INSTALL timeval.h
-  INSTALL metatermios.internal.h
-  INSTALL aarch64.internal.h
-  INSTALL user_regs_struct.h
-  INSTALL ucontext-netbsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL sigaltstack.h
-  INSTALL stat.h
-  INSTALL statvfs.h
-  INSTALL winsize.h
-  INSTALL rlimit.h
-  INSTALL fsid.h
-  INSTALL framebuffervirtualscreeninfo.h
-  INSTALL statfs-netbsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL statfs-openbsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL termios.h
-  INSTALL statfs-freebsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL stat.internal.h
-  INSTALL metasigaltstack.h
-  INSTALL metastat.internal.h
-  INSTALL sigaction.internal.h
-  INSTALL statfs-linux.internal.h
-  INSTALL siginfo.h
-  INSTALL timespec.internal.h
-  INSTALL sigval.h
-  INSTALL iovec.internal.h
-  INSTALL sched_param.internal.h
-  INSTALL iovec.h
-  INSTALL flock.internal.h
-  INSTALL siginfo-freebsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL utsname-linux.internal.h
-  INSTALL stat.macros.h
-  INSTALL utsname.h
-  INSTALL framebufferfixedscreeninfo.h
-  INSTALL ucontext.internal.h
-  INSTALL ucontext-freebsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL timespec.h
-  INSTALL flock.h
-  INSTALL siginfo-netbsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL termios.internal.h
-  INSTALL winsize.internal.h
-  INSTALL sigset.h
-  INSTALL cpuset.h
-  INSTALL rusage.internal.h
-  INSTALL dirent.h
-  INSTALL framebuffercolormap.h
-  INSTALL siginfo-xnu.internal.h
-  INSTALL itimerval.internal.h
-  INSTALL siginfo.internal.h
-  INSTALL rlimit.internal.h
-  INSTALL ucontext-openbsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL statfs.internal.h
-  INSTALL fd.internal.h
-  INSTALL filter.internal.h
-  INSTALL siginfo-openbsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL statfs-meta.internal.h
-  INSTALL u.h
-  INSTALL pledge.internal.h
-  INSTALL ucontext.h
-  INSTALL weirdtypes.h
-  INSTALL groups.internal.h
-  INSTALL sigtimedwait.h
-  INSTALL mount.h
-  INSTALL termios.h
-  INSTALL syscall_support-sysv.internal.h
-  INSTALL createfileflags.internal.h
-  INSTALL getcontext.inc
-  INSTALL termios.internal.h
-  INSTALL ipc.h
-  INSTALL wincrash.internal.h
-  INSTALL sigtimedwait.internal.h
-  INSTALL ttydefaults.h
-  INSTALL makedev.h
-  INSTALL internal.h
-  INSTALL pledge.h
-  INSTALL calls.h
-  INSTALL syscall_support-nt.internal.h
-  INSTALL syscall-sysv.internal.h
-  INSTALL sched-sysv.internal.h
-  INSTALL blockcancel.internal.h
-  INSTALL sig.internal.h
-  INSTALL state.internal.h
-  INSTALL cachestat.h
-  INSTALL cp.internal.h
-  INSTALL metalfile.internal.h
-  INSTALL asan.internal.h
-  INSTALL prctl.internal.h
-  INSTALL landlock.h
-  INSTALL openbsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL syscall-nt.internal.h
-  INSTALL execve.internal.h
-  INSTALL proc.internal.h
-  INSTALL ntspawn.h
-  INSTALL describefds.internal.h
-  INSTALL posix_spawn.internal.h
-  INSTALL posix_spawn.h
-  INSTALL backtrace.internal.h
-  INSTALL check.h
-  INSTALL bsd.h
-  INSTALL countexpr.h
-  INSTALL color.internal.h
-  INSTALL countbranch.h
-  INSTALL gdb.h
-  INSTALL traceme.h
-  INSTALL getcallername.internal.h
-  INSTALL rop.internal.h
-  INSTALL log.h
-  INSTALL libfatal.internal.h
-  INSTALL appendresourcereport.internal.h
-  INSTALL internal.h
-  INSTALL dnsquestion.h
-  INSTALL ent.h
-  INSTALL servicestxt.h
-  INSTALL consts.h
-  INSTALL resolvconf.h
-  INSTALL hoststxt.h
-  INSTALL prototxt.h
-  INSTALL dnsheader.h
-  INSTALL dns.h
-  INSTALL sincosf.internal.h
-  INSTALL atan_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL log2f_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL hornerf.internal.h
-  INSTALL emodl.h
-  INSTALL log1pf_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL ldshape.internal.h
-  INSTALL atan_common.internal.h
-  INSTALL horner.internal.h
-  INSTALL powf_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL magicu.h
-  INSTALL exp_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL logf_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL kernel.internal.h
-  INSTALL emod.h
-  INSTALL feval.internal.h
-  INSTALL expo.internal.h
-  INSTALL freebsd.internal.h
-  INSTALL complex.internal.h
-  INSTALL horner_wrap.internal.h
-  INSTALL log2_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL atanf_common.internal.h
-  INSTALL exp2f_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL log_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL atanf_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL internal.h
-  INSTALL pow_data.internal.h
-  INSTALL invtrigl.internal.h
-  INSTALL estrin_wrap.internal.h
-  INSTALL x.h
-  INSTALL xsigaction.h
-  INSTALL xgetline.h
-  INSTALL xiso8601.h
-  INSTALL xspawn.h
-  INSTALL xasprintf.h
-  INSTALL literal.h
-  INSTALL math.h
-  INSTALL cxxabi.h
-  INSTALL cxx.inc
-  INSTALL ar.h
-  INSTALL complex.h
-  INSTALL c.inc
-  INSTALL inttypes.h
-  INSTALL limits.h
-  INSTALL type2str.h
-  INSTALL paths.h
-  INSTALL notice.internal.h
-  INSTALL disclaimer.inc
-  INSTALL macho.internal.h
-  INSTALL cxxtypescompat.inc
-  INSTALL cosmo.h
-  INSTALL assert.h
-  INSTALL llp64.inc
-  INSTALL dos.internal.h
-  INSTALL lp64.inc
-  INSTALL stdckdint.h
-  INSTALL iso646.internal.h
-  INSTALL dce.h
-  INSTALL imag.internal.h
-  INSTALL mach.internal.h
-  INSTALL macros.internal.h
-  INSTALL atomic.h
-  INSTALL errno.h
-  INSTALL stdbool.h
-  INSTALL zip.internal.h
-  INSTALL lp64arg.inc
-  INSTALL normalize.inc
-  INSTALL stdlib.h
-  INSTALL serialize.h
-  INSTALL stdalign.internal.h
-  INSTALL notice.inc
-  INSTALL temp.h
-  INSTALL types.h
-  INSTALL param.h
-  INSTALL futex.h
-  INSTALL limits.h
-  INSTALL tokenbucket.h
-  INSTALL ip.h
-  INSTALL gethttpmethod.inc
-  INSTALL http.h
-  INSTALL gethttpheader.inc
-  INSTALL url.h
-  INSTALL escape.h
-  INSTALL csscolor.h
-  INSTALL if_arp.h
-  INSTALL ethernet.h
-  INSTALL if.h
-  INSTALL gdtoa.h
-  INSTALL gdtoa.internal.h
-  INSTALL gdtoa_fltrnds.inc
-  INSTALL notice.inc
-  INSTALL regex.h
-  INSTALL tre.inc
-  INSTALL mu_wait.h
-  INSTALL mu.h
-  INSTALL mu_semaphore.h
-  INSTALL array.internal.h
-  INSTALL atomic.internal.h
-  INSTALL atomic.h
-  INSTALL common.internal.h
-  INSTALL mu_semaphore.internal.h
-  INSTALL races.internal.h
-  INSTALL debug.h
-  INSTALL waiter.h
-  INSTALL heap.internal.h
-  INSTALL counter.h
-  INSTALL time.h
-  INSTALL futex.internal.h
-  INSTALL once.h
-  INSTALL note.h
-  INSTALL cv.h
-  INSTALL wait_s.internal.h
-  INSTALL tempnam.h
-  INSTALL crypt.h
-  INSTALL lockf.h
-  INSTALL crypt_des.internal.h
-  INSTALL crypt.internal.h
-  INSTALL mntent.h
-  INSTALL fnmatch.h
-  INSTALL passwd.h
-  INSTALL search.h
-  INSTALL glob.h
-  INSTALL rand48.h
-  INSTALL tsearch.internal.h
-  INSTALL zlib.h
-  INSTALL insert_string.inc
-  INSTALL inftrees.internal.h
-  INSTALL inffast_chunk.internal.h
-  INSTALL inffixed.inc
-  INSTALL adler32_simd.inc
-  INSTALL zconf.h
-  INSTALL chunkcopy.inc
-  INSTALL inffast.internal.h
-  INSTALL zutil.internal.h
-  INSTALL cpu_features.internal.h
-  INSTALL trees.inc
-  INSTALL internal.h
-  INSTALL inflate.internal.h
-  INSTALL deflate.internal.h
-  INSTALL macros.internal.h
-  INSTALL crc32.inc
-  INSTALL slide_hash_simd.inc
-  INSTALL crc32_simd.internal.h
-  INSTALL popcntintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL gfniintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL xsavesintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL xmmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512bitalgintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL fxsrintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL vaesintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL fma4intrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL fmaintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx5124fmapsintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avxvnniintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vlintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512ifmaintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL tmmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vbmi2intrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL mwaitxintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL shaintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL bmiintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL xtestintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512fintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL amxint8intrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL smmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL cetintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL clzerointrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx5124vnniwintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL x86intrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL tsxldtrkintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vbmiintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL immintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL amxtileintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx2intrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL emmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL lzcntintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL rtmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL lwpintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL movdirintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL nmmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vpopcntdqvlintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avxintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL cldemoteintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vbmi2vlintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512cdintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512bf16vlintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL prfchwintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL enqcmdintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vbmivlintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vp2intersectintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512dqintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vnniintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL xsaveintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL x86gprintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL mm_malloc.internal.h
-  INSTALL clflushoptintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL pmmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512pfintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL clwbintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL wbnoinvdintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL vpclmulqdqintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vnnivlintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vlbwintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL uintrintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL tbmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL hresetintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL wmmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512bf16intrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL xopintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vpopcntdqintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL serializeintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL waitpkgintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL xsaveoptintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL adxintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL pkuintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL pconfigintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL xsavecintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL cpuid.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512ifmavlintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512bwintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vp2intersectvlintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL rdseedintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL ammintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL amxbf16intrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL ia32intrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL mm3dnow.internal.h
-  INSTALL mmintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512vldqintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL keylockerintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL f16cintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL avx512erintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL sgxintrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL bmi2intrin.internal.h
-  INSTALL management.inc
-  INSTALL dlmalloc.h
-  INSTALL runtimechecks.inc
-  INSTALL binmaps.inc
-  INSTALL smallbins.inc
-  INSTALL debuglib.inc
-  INSTALL global.inc
-  INSTALL locks.inc
-  INSTALL headfoot.inc
-  INSTALL hooks.inc
-  INSTALL indexing.inc
-  INSTALL directmap.inc
-  INSTALL debugging.inc
-  INSTALL chunks.inc
-  INSTALL statistics.inc
-  INSTALL platform.inc
-  INSTALL vespene.internal.h
-  INSTALL system.inc
-  INSTALL trees.inc
-  INSTALL mspaces.inc
-  INSTALL init.inc
-  INSTALL private.h
-  INSTALL x86.h
-  INSTALL x86isa.h
-  INSTALL avx512.h
-  INSTALL arm_bf16.internal.h
-  INSTALL arm_neon.internal.h
-  INSTALL arm_fp16.internal.h
-  INSTALL arm_sve.internal.h
-  INSTALL acc_prof.internal.h
-  INSTALL arm_acle.internal.h
-  INSTALL openacc.internal.h
-  INSTALL __config
-  INSTALL config_elast.hh
-  INSTALL atomic_support.hh
-  INSTALL fstream
-  INSTALL strstream
-  INSTALL cmath
-  INSTALL exception_fallback.hh
-  INSTALL __string
-  INSTALL cstring
-  INSTALL string
-  INSTALL countof.internal.hh
-  INSTALL exception_pointer_unimplemented.hh
-  INSTALL set
-  INSTALL string.h
-  INSTALL span
-  INSTALL bit
-  INSTALL new
-  INSTALL cstdlib
-  INSTALL ctgmath
-  INSTALL exception
-  INSTALL chrono
-  INSTALL cstdint
-  INSTALL queue
-  INSTALL cfloat
-  INSTALL __split_buffer
-  INSTALL __undef_macros
-  INSTALL stdexcept_default.hh
-  INSTALL sstream
-  INSTALL __tuple
-  INSTALL forward_list
-  INSTALL filesystem
-  INSTALL bitset
-  INSTALL variant
-  INSTALL cstdbool
-  INSTALL stack
-  INSTALL thread
-  INSTALL initializer_list
-  INSTALL __hash_table
-  INSTALL random
-  INSTALL unordered_map
-  INSTALL csignal
-  INSTALL csetjmp
-  INSTALL __mutex_base
-  INSTALL limits.h
-  INSTALL cwchar
-  INSTALL iosfwd
-  INSTALL __std_stream
-  INSTALL typeinfo
-  INSTALL __tree
-  INSTALL deque
-  INSTALL ios
-  INSTALL vector
-  INSTALL __sso_allocator
-  INSTALL any
-  INSTALL __config
-  INSTALL future
-  INSTALL atomic_support.hh
-  INSTALL istream
-  INSTALL cstdio
-  INSTALL iterator
-  INSTALL stdexcept
-  INSTALL complex
-  INSTALL streambuf
-  INSTALL execution
-  INSTALL __functional_base
-  INSTALL ctime
-  INSTALL cstdarg
-  INSTALL compare
-  INSTALL math.h
-  INSTALL wchar.h
-  INSTALL __node_handle
-  INSTALL filesystem_common.hh
-  INSTALL cwctype
-  INSTALL string_view
-  INSTALL iostream
-  INSTALL list
-  INSTALL cinttypes
-  INSTALL __threading_support
-  INSTALL __errc
-  INSTALL regex
-  INSTALL map
-  INSTALL cfenv
-  INSTALL charconv
-  INSTALL optional
-  INSTALL locale
-  INSTALL functional
-  INSTALL ciso646
-  INSTALL __bit_reference
-  INSTALL __locale
-  INSTALL ostream
-  INSTALL clocale
-  INSTALL ctype.h
-  INSTALL array
-  INSTALL iomanip
-  INSTALL stdlib.h
-  INSTALL __bsd_locale_fallbacks.h
-  INSTALL typeindex
-  INSTALL mutex
-  INSTALL cerrno
-  INSTALL type_traits
-  INSTALL utility
-  INSTALL cassert
-  INSTALL locale.h
-  INSTALL config_elast.h
-  INSTALL condition_variable
-  INSTALL new_handler_fallback.hh
-  INSTALL wctype.h
-  INSTALL memory
-  INSTALL codecvt
-  INSTALL algorithm
-  INSTALL unordered_set
-  INSTALL cctype
-  INSTALL system_error
-  INSTALL stdio.h
-  INSTALL scoped_allocator
-  INSTALL valarray
-  INSTALL tuple
-  INSTALL cstddef
-  INSTALL __debug
-  INSTALL numeric
-  INSTALL shared_mutex
-  INSTALL ratio
-  INSTALL version
-  INSTALL limits
-  INSTALL refstring.hh
-  INSTALL atomic
-  INSTALL climits
-  INSTALL __nullptr
-  INSTALL errno.h
-  INSTALL ccomplex
-  INSTALL long1.h
-  INSTALL long2.h
-  INSTALL getopt.internal.h
-  INSTALL in.h
-  INSTALL ip.h
-  INSTALL udp.h
-  INSTALL tcp.h
-  INSTALL stdio_ext.h
-  INSTALL mwaitxintrin.h
-  INSTALL dirent.h
-  INSTALL pty.h
-  INSTALL cosmo.h
-  INSTALL pthread.h
-  INSTALL deque
-  INSTALL condition_variable
-  INSTALL ar.h
-  INSTALL string
-  INSTALL unordered_set
-  INSTALL new
-  INSTALL bit
-  INSTALL iostream
-  INSTALL stddef.h
-  INSTALL csetjmp
-  INSTALL malloc.h
-  INSTALL csignal
-  INSTALL tgmath.h
-  INSTALL memory.h
-  INSTALL stack
-  INSTALL ftw.h
-  INSTALL glob.h
-  INSTALL nsync.h
-  INSTALL stdlib.h
-  INSTALL uio.h
-  INSTALL inttypes.h
-  INSTALL span
-  INSTALL iso646.h
-  INSTALL bitset
-  INSTALL getopt.h
-  INSTALL mm3dnow.h
-  INSTALL nsync_debug.h
-  INSTALL istream
-  INSTALL stdexcept
-  INSTALL xmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL paths.h
-  INSTALL fcntl.h
-  INSTALL initializer_list
-  INSTALL chrono
-  INSTALL set
-  INSTALL optional
-  INSTALL cfloat
-  INSTALL charconv
-  INSTALL features.h
-  INSTALL complex
-  INSTALL byteswap.h
-  INSTALL arm_acle.h
-  INSTALL complex.h
-  INSTALL tmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL fenv.h
-  INSTALL iconv.h
-  INSTALL fstream
-  INSTALL vector
-  INSTALL iosfwd
-  INSTALL nsync_counter.h
-  INSTALL shared_mutex
-  INSTALL ucontext.h
-  INSTALL cwchar
-  INSTALL setjmp.h
-  INSTALL arm_fp16.h
-  INSTALL any
-  INSTALL strstream
-  INSTALL cstring
-  INSTALL nsync_waiter.h
-  INSTALL cmath
-  INSTALL random
-  INSTALL locale.h
-  INSTALL pwd.h
-  INSTALL mm_malloc.h
-  INSTALL thread
-  INSTALL wctype.h
-  INSTALL wmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL functional
-  INSTALL syslog.h
-  INSTALL ctgmath
-  INSTALL pmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL cstdlib
-  INSTALL stdalign.h
-  INSTALL stdnoreturn.h
-  INSTALL ccomplex
-  INSTALL cstdint
-  INSTALL nl_types.h
-  INSTALL system_error
-  INSTALL sstream
-  INSTALL cstdio
-  INSTALL ios
-  INSTALL queue
-  INSTALL valarray
-  INSTALL float.h
-  INSTALL err.h
-  INSTALL langinfo.h
-  INSTALL popcntintrin.h
-  INSTALL nsync_mu.h
-  INSTALL future
-  INSTALL assert.h
-  INSTALL endian.h
-  INSTALL smmintrin.h
-  INSTALL mntent.h
-  INSTALL sched.h
-  INSTALL variant
-  INSTALL libgen.h
-  INSTALL stdatomic.h
-  INSTALL exception
-  INSTALL clzerointrin.h
-  INSTALL nsync_once.h
-  INSTALL nmmintrin.h
-  INSTALL winternl.h
-  INSTALL cassert
-  INSTALL utility
-  INSTALL string.h
-  INSTALL signal.h
-  INSTALL algorithm
-  INSTALL unordered_map
-  INSTALL math.h
-  INSTALL stdarg.h
-  INSTALL search.h
-  INSTALL utmpx.h
-  INSTALL codecvt
-  INSTALL monetary.h
-  INSTALL uchar.h
-  INSTALL scoped_allocator
-  INSTALL termios.h
-  INSTALL netdb.h
-  INSTALL nsync_cv.h
-  INSTALL sgxintrin.h
-  INSTALL stdint.h
-  INSTALL regex.h
-  INSTALL semaphore.h
-  INSTALL forward_list
-  INSTALL ifaddrs.h
-  INSTALL stdio.h
-  INSTALL cerrno
-  INSTALL nsync_note.h
-  INSTALL nsync_atomic.h
-  INSTALL list
-  INSTALL cstddef
-  INSTALL numeric
-  INSTALL cstdbool
-  INSTALL arm_bf16.h
-  INSTALL mmintrin.h
-  INSTALL map
-  INSTALL grp.h
-  INSTALL elf.h
-  INSTALL version
-  INSTALL ratio
-  INSTALL x86intrin.h
-  INSTALL climits
-  INSTALL string_view
-  INSTALL errno.h
-  INSTALL immintrin.h
-  INSTALL locale
-  INSTALL strings.h
-  INSTALL tuple
-  INSTALL wait.h
-  INSTALL sysexits.h
-  INSTALL limits.h
-  INSTALL dlfcn.h
-  INSTALL cinttypes
-  INSTALL cctype
-  INSTALL regex
-  INSTALL cpuid.h
-  INSTALL typeinfo
-  INSTALL cstdarg
-  INSTALL compare
-  INSTALL poll.h
-  INSTALL fnmatch.h
-  INSTALL stdbool.h
-  INSTALL memory
-  INSTALL emmintrin.h
-  INSTALL crypt.h
-  INSTALL time.h
-  INSTALL wchar.h
-  INSTALL stdc-predef.h
-  INSTALL execution
-  INSTALL streambuf
-  INSTALL utime.h
-  INSTALL cwctype
-  INSTALL ctime
-  INSTALL mutex
-  INSTALL spawn.h
-  INSTALL utmp.h
-  INSTALL clocale
-  INSTALL ciso646
-  INSTALL ostream
-  INSTALL iterator
-  INSTALL cxxabi.h
-  INSTALL atomic
-  INSTALL ctype.h
-  INSTALL nsync_mu_wait.h
-  INSTALL type_traits
-  INSTALL typeindex
-  INSTALL alloca.h
-  INSTALL limits
-  INSTALL iomanip
-  INSTALL arm_neon.h
-  INSTALL ammintrin.h
-  INSTALL cpio.h
-  INSTALL array
-  INSTALL unistd.h
-  INSTALL stdckdint.h
-  INSTALL cfenv
-  INSTALL nsync_time.h
-  INSTALL filesystem
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-strip
-  SYMLINK aarch64-linux-cosmo-as
-  SYMLINK x86_64-linux-cosmo-cpp
-  SYMLINK unknown-unknown-cosmo-c++
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-addr2line
-  SYMLINK aarch64-linux-cosmo-ld.bfd
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-c++filt
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-nm
-  SYMLINK unknown-unknown-cosmo-ar
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-readelf
-  SYMLINK x86_64-linux-cosmo-as
-  SYMLINK aarch64-linux-cosmo-c++
-  SYMLINK unknown-unknown-cosmo-install
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-readelf
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-c++
-  SYMLINK x86_64-linux-cosmo-cc
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-objcopy
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-objcopy
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-c++
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-objdump
-  SYMLINK x86_64-linux-cosmo-ld
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-ar
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-addr2line
-  SYMLINK unknown-unknown-cosmo-cc
-  SYMLINK cosmoc++
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-nm
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-as
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-objdump
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-cc
-  SYMLINK x86_64-linux-cosmo-c++
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ar
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-strip
-  SYMLINK x86_64-linux-cosmo-ld.bfd
-  SYMLINK aarch64-unknown-cosmo-as
-  SYMLINK aarch64-linux-cosmo-ld
-  SYMLINK aarch64-linux-cosmo-cpp
-  SYMLINK x86_64-unknown-cosmo-c++filt
-  SYMLINK aarch64-linux-cosmo-cc
- gmake: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5/toolchain'
-> installed esperanto-cosmopolitan.0.0.5
Processing 51/52: [aarch64-esperanto: sh]
+ /bin/sh "-c" "cd caml && ./configure.sh --prefix=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1 --target=aarch64-unknown-cosmo" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5)
Processing 51/52: [aarch64-esperanto: sh make -C caml -j15]
+ /bin/sh "-c" "make -C caml -j15" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5)
- make: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml'
- cp -r `opam var prefix`/lib/ocaml-src ./ocaml
- sed -e 's!@@PREFIX@@!/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1!' \
-     esperanto.conf.in > aarch64-esperanto.conf.sed
- sed -e 's!@@BUILD_ARCH@@!aarch64!g' \
- 		aarch64-esperanto.conf.sed > aarch64-esperanto.conf.sed.sed
- mv aarch64-esperanto.conf.sed.sed aarch64-esperanto.conf
- cp esperanto.h ocaml/esperanto.h
- sed -e 's/\/lib\/cpp/\/usr\/bin\/cpp/g' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- sed -e 's/otherlibraries="dynlink"/otherlibraries=""/g' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- sed -e '/^char \$2 ()\;/s/^/\/\//' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- sed -e 's/^return \$2 ()\;/return \&\$2\;/' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- sed -e 's/oc_cflags="/oc_cflags="$OC_CFLAGS /g' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- sed -e 's/ocamlc_cflags="/ocamlc_cflags="$OCAMLC_CFLAGS /g' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- sed -e 's/nativecclibs="$cclibs $DLLIBS"/nativecclibs="$GLOBAL_LIBS"/g' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- sed -e 's/#undef $2/#include "esperanto.h"/' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- sed -e '/#define $2 innocuous_$2/d' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- sed -e 's/^all: $(BYTECODE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) $(BYTECODE_SHARED_LIBRARIES)/all: primitives ld.conf/' ocaml/runtime/Makefile > ocaml/runtime/Makefile.sed
- mv ocaml/runtime/Makefile.sed ocaml/runtime/Makefile
- sed -e 's/^ocamlrun$(EXE):.*/dummy:/g' ocaml/runtime/Makefile > ocaml/runtime/Makefile.sed
- mv ocaml/runtime/Makefile.sed ocaml/runtime/Makefile
- sed -e 's/^ocamlruni$(EXE):.*/dummyi:/g' ocaml/runtime/Makefile > ocaml/runtime/Makefile.sed
- mv ocaml/runtime/Makefile.sed ocaml/runtime/Makefile
- sed -e 's/^ocamlrund$(EXE):.*/dummyd:/g' ocaml/runtime/Makefile > ocaml/runtime/Makefile.sed
- mv ocaml/runtime/Makefile.sed ocaml/runtime/Makefile
- sed -e 's/write(/_write(/' ocaml/runtime/extern.c > ocaml/runtime/extern.c.sed
- mv ocaml/runtime/extern.c.sed ocaml/runtime/extern.c
- sed -e 's/\([^_]\)link/\1link_t/g' ocaml/runtime/roots_nat.c > ocaml/runtime/roots_nat.c.sed
- mv ocaml/runtime/roots_nat.c.sed ocaml/runtime/roots_nat.c
- patch ocaml/asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp emit.mlp.aarch64.patch
- Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
- The text leading up to this was:
- --------------------------
- |--- asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp
- |+++ asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp
- --------------------------
- Patching file ocaml/asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp using Plan A...
- Hunk #1 succeeded at 30.
- done
- patch ocaml/asmcomp/arm64/proc.ml proc.ml.aarch64.patch
- Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
- The text leading up to this was:
- --------------------------
- |--- asmcomp/arm64/proc.ml
- |+++ asmcomp/arm64/proc.ml
- --------------------------
- Patching file ocaml/asmcomp/arm64/proc.ml using Plan A...
- Hunk #1 succeeded at 33.
- Hunk #2 succeeded at 49.
- Hunk #3 succeeded at 67.
- Hunk #4 succeeded at 80.
- Hunk #5 succeeded at 230.
- Hunk #6 succeeded at 283.
- done
- patch ocaml/runtime/arm64.S arm64.S.patch
- Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
- The text leading up to this was:
- --------------------------
- |--- runtime/arm64.S
- |+++ runtime/arm64.S
- --------------------------
- Patching file ocaml/runtime/arm64.S using Plan A...
- Hunk #1 succeeded at 20.
- Hunk #2 succeeded at 183.
- Hunk #3 succeeded at 219.
- done
- sed -e 's/ac_cv_have_decl_system" "#include <stdlib.h>$/ac_cv_have_decl_system" "#include <stdio.h>/' ocaml/configure > ocaml/configure.sed
- mv ocaml/configure.sed ocaml/configure
- patch ocaml/otherlibs/unix/termios.c esperanto_termios.patch
- Hmm...  Looks like a unified diff to me...
- The text leading up to this was:
- --------------------------
- |--- termios.c
- |+++ termios.c
- --------------------------
- Patching file ocaml/otherlibs/unix/termios.c using Plan A...
- Hunk #1 succeeded at 18.
- Hunk #2 succeeded at 35.
- done
- printf "ocamlrun:\n\tcp /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlrun .\n" >> ocaml/runtime/Makefile
- printf "ocamlrund:\n\tcp /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlrund .\n" >> ocaml/runtime/Makefile
- printf "ocamlruni:\n\tcp /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlruni .\n" >> ocaml/runtime/Makefile
- touch ocaml/runtime/libcamlrun.a ocaml/runtime/libcamlrund.a ocaml/runtime/libcamlruni.a
- sed -e 's/^ocamlyacc$(EXE):.*/dummy:/g' ocaml/yacc/Makefile > ocaml/yacc/Makefile.sed
- mv ocaml/yacc/Makefile.sed ocaml/yacc/Makefile
- printf "ocamlyacc:\n\tcp /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlyacc .\n" >> ocaml/yacc/Makefile
- printf "objinfo_helper:\n\ttouch objinfo_helper\n" >> ocaml/tools/Makefile
- chmod +x ocaml/configure
- cd ocaml && \
- 	PATH="/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/home/opam/bin:/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin" \
- 	CC="aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc" \
- 	OC_CFLAGS="" \
- 	AS="aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c" \
- 	ASPP="aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc  -c" \
- 	CPPFLAGS="" \
- 	LIBS=""\
- 	LD="aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ld" \
- 	ac_cv_prog_DIRECT_LD="aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ld" \
- 	ac_cv_lib_m_cos="no" \
-   ./configure \
- 	-host=x86_64-cosmo-none \
- 	-target=aarch64-cosmo-none \
- 	-prefix /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot \
- 	-disable-shared\
- 	-disable-instrumented-runtime\
- 	-disable-ocamltest\
- 	-disable-ocamldoc\
- 	-disable-debugger\
- configure: Configuring OCaml version 4.14.1
- checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-freebsd14.0
- checking host system type... x86_64-cosmo-none
- checking target system type... aarch64-cosmo-none
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-ld... aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ld
- checking how to print strings... printf
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-gcc... aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc
- checking whether the C compiler works... 
- yes
- checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out
- checking for suffix of executables... 
- checking whether we are cross compiling... yes
- checking for suffix of object files... o
- checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes
- checking whether aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc accepts -g... yes
- checking for aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc option to accept ISO C89... none needed
- checking for a sed that does not truncate output... 
- /usr/bin/sed
- checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep
- checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E
- checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F
- checking for ld used by aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc... aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ld
- checking if the linker (aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ld) is GNU ld... no
- checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... no
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-dumpbin... no
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-link... no
- checking for dumpbin... no
- checking for link... link -dump
- configure: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet
- checking the name lister (nm) interface... BSD nm
- checking whether ln -s works... yes
- checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 393216
- checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-freebsd14.0 file names to x86_64-cosmo-none format... func_convert_file_noop
- checking how to convert x86_64-unknown-freebsd14.0 file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop
- checking for aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ld option to reload object files... -r
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-objdump... no
- checking for objdump... objdump
- checking how to recognize dependent libraries... unknown
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-dlltool... no
- checking for dlltool... no
- checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-ar... no
- checking for ar... ar
- checking for archiver @FILE support... no
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-strip... no
- checking for strip... strip
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-ranlib... no
- checking for ranlib... ranlib
- checking for gawk... no
- checking for mawk... no
- checking for nawk... nawk
- checking command to parse nm output from aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc object... ok
- checking for sysroot... no
- checking for a working dd... /bin/dd
- checking how to truncate binary pipes... 
- /bin/dd bs=4096 count=1
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-mt... no
- checking for mt... mt
- checking if mt is a manifest tool... no
- checking how to run the C preprocessor... aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -E
- checking for ANSI C header files... yes
- checking for sys/types.h... 
- yes
- checking for sys/stat.h... 
- yes
- checking for stdlib.h... yes
- checking for string.h... yes
- checking for memory.h... yes
- checking for strings.h... yes
- checking for inttypes.h... yes
- checking for stdint.h... yes
- checking for unistd.h... yes
- checking for dlfcn.h... yes
- checking for objdir... .libs
- checking if aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no
- checking for aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC
- checking if aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes
- checking if aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc static flag -static works... yes
- checking if aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc supports -c -o file.o... yes
- checking if aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes
- checking whether the aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc linker (aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ld) supports shared libraries... no
- checking dynamic linker characteristics... aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc: fatal error: no input files
- compilation terminated.
- no
- checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... unsupported
- checking whether stripping libraries is possible... no
- checking if libtool supports shared libraries... no
- checking whether to build shared libraries... no
- checking whether to build static libraries... yes
- checking C compiler vendor... gcc-11-2
- checking whether host executables can be run in the build... 
- no
- checking whether #! works in shell scripts... yes
- checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c
- checking for cos in -lm... (cached) no
- checking math.h usability... yes
- checking math.h presence... yes
- checking for math.h... yes
- checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
- checking for stdint.h... (cached) yes
- checking for dirent.h... yes
- checking for sys/select.h... yes
- checking for off_t... yes
- checking size of int... 
- 4
- checking size of long... 
- 8
- checking size of long *... 8
- checking size of short... 
- 2
- checking size of long long... 
- 8
- configure: Target is a 64 bits architecture
- checking whether byte ordering is bigendian... 
- no
- checking alignment of double... 8
- checking alignment of long... 
- 8
- checking alignment of long long... 
- 8
- checking whether the C compiler supports __attribute__((aligned(n)))... yes
- checking whether the C compiler supports __attribute__((optimize("tree-vectorize")))... yes
- checking for x86_64-cosmo-none-ld... (cached) aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ld
- checking for rlwrap... no
- configure: checking semantics of signal handlers
- checking for sigaction... 
- yes
- checking for sigprocmask... 
- yes
- configure: POSIX signal handling found.
- checking for expm1... 
- yes
- checking for log1p... 
- yes
- checking for hypot... 
- yes
- checking for fma... 
- yes
- checking for exp2... 
- yes
- checking for log2... 
- yes
- checking for cbrt... 
- yes
- checking for acosh... yes
- checking for asinh... 
- yes
- checking for atanh... 
- yes
- checking for erf... yes
- checking for erfc... 
- yes
- checking for trunc... 
- yes
- checking for round... yes
- checking for copysign... yes
- checking whether round works... cross-compiling; assume yes
- checking whether fma works... cross-compiling; assume yes
- checking for getrusage... 
- no
- checking for times... no
- checking for secure_getenv... yes
- checking for issetugid... 
- yes
- checking for socket... yes
- checking for socketpair... 
- yes
- checking for bind... yes
- checking for listen... 
- yes
- checking for accept... yes
- checking for connect... 
- yes
- checking for socklen_t... yes
- checking for inet_aton... yes
- checking for struct sockaddr_in6... yes
- checking for getaddrinfo... 
- no
- checking for rewinddir... no
- checking for lockf... yes
- checking for mkfifo... no
- checking for getcwd... 
- yes
- checking whether system is declared... yes
- checking for sys/types.h... (cached) yes
- checking utime.h usability... yes
- checking utime.h presence... yes
- checking for utime.h... yes
- checking for utime... 
- no
- checking for utimes... yes
- checking for fchmod... 
- yes
- checking for fchown... 
- yes
- checking for truncate... 
- yes
- checking for ftruncate... 
- yes
- checking for select... 
- yes
- checking for fd_set... yes
- checking for nanosleep... 
- yes
- checking for symlink... 
- yes
- checking for readlink... yes
- checking for lstat... 
- yes
- checking for realpath... yes
- checking for waitpid... 
- yes
- checking for wait4... 
- no
- checking for getgroups... yes
- checking for setgroups... 
- yes
- checking for initgroups... 
- no
- checking termios.h usability... yes
- checking termios.h presence... yes
- checking for termios.h... yes
- checking for tcgetattr... yes
- checking for tcsetattr... 
- yes
- checking for tcsendbreak... yes
- checking for tcflush... 
- yes
- checking for tcflow... yes
- checking for setitimer... 
- yes
- checking for gethostname... 
- yes
- checking sys/utsname.h usability... yes
- checking sys/utsname.h presence... yes
- checking for sys/utsname.h... yes
- checking for uname... no
- checking for gettimeofday... 
- yes
- checking for mktime... 
- yes
- checking for setsid... yes
- checking for putenv... 
- yes
- checking for setenv... 
- yes
- checking for unsetenv... yes
- checking locale.h usability... 
- yes
- checking locale.h presence... yes
- checking for locale.h... yes
- checking for newlocale... yes
- checking for freelocale... 
- yes
- checking for uselocale... yes
- checking xlocale.h usability... 
- no
- checking xlocale.h presence... no
- checking for xlocale.h... no
- checking for strtod_l... yes
- configure: Dynamic loading of shared libraries is not supported.
- checking sys/mman.h usability... 
- yes
- checking sys/mman.h presence... yes
- checking for sys/mman.h... yes
- checking for mmap... 
- yes
- checking for munmap... yes
- checking for pwrite... 
- yes
- checking whether the C compiler supports -fdebug-prefix-map... 
- yes
- checking for struct stat.st_atim.tv_nsec... yes
- configure: stat supports nanosecond precision
- checking how many arguments gethostbyname_r() takes... cannot find function declaration in netdb.h
- checking how many arguments gethostbyaddr_r() takes... cannot find function declaration in netdb.h
- checking for mkstemp... 
- yes
- checking for nice... 
- yes
- checking for dup3... 
- yes
- checking for pipe2... 
- yes
- checking for accept4... 
- yes
- checking for getauxval... 
- yes
- checking sys/shm.h usability... no
- checking sys/shm.h presence... no
- checking for sys/shm.h... no
- checking for execvpe... no
- checking spawn.h usability... yes
- checking spawn.h presence... yes
- checking for spawn.h... yes
- checking for posix_spawn... 
- no
- checking for ffs... yes
- checking for _BitScanForward... 
- no
- configure: replay debugger disabled
- checking whether stack overflows can be detected... no
- checking whether aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc is Clang... no
- checking whether pthreads work with "-pthread" and "-lpthread"... yes
- checking for joinable pthread attribute... PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE
- checking whether more special flags are required for pthreads... no
- checking for PTHREAD_PRIO_INHERIT... no
- configure: the POSIX threads library is supported
- checking for sigwait... 
- yes
- checking whether the assembler supports --debug-prefix-map... no
- checking whether the assembler supports CFI directives... yes
- configure: not using frame pointers
- checking whether mmap supports huge pages... no assumed
- configure: Disabling function sections.
- configure: creating ./config.status
- config.status: creating Makefile.build_config
- config.status: creating Makefile.config
- config.status: creating stdlib/sys.ml
- config.status: creating manual/src/version.tex
- config.status: creating manual/src/html_processing/src/common.ml
- config.status: creating tools/eventlog_metadata
- config.status: creating runtime/caml/m.h
- config.status: creating runtime/caml/s.h
- config.status: creating runtime/caml/version.h
- config.status: executing libtool commands
- echo "ARCH=arm64" >> ocaml/Makefile.config
- echo 'SAK_CC=cc' >> ocaml/Makefile.config
- echo 'SAK_CFLAGS=' >> ocaml/Makefile.config
- echo 'SAK_LINK=cc  $(OUTPUTEXE)$(1) $(2)' >> ocaml/Makefile.config
- echo '#undef OCAML_OS_TYPE' >> ocaml/runtime/caml/s.h
- echo '#define OCAML_OS_TYPE "None"' >> ocaml/runtime/caml/s.h
- PATH="/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/home/opam/bin:/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin" /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C ocaml world
- make[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C runtime sak
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- cc -c  -o sak.o sak.c
- cc  -o sak sak.o
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C runtime all
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- cp primitives.new primitives
- echo "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/stublibs" > ld.conf
- cp /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlrun .
- cp /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlrund .
- echo "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml" >> ld.conf
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C stdlib \
-   OCAMLRUN='$(ROOTDIR)/runtime/ocamlrun' \
-   CAMLC='$(BOOT_OCAMLC) -use-prims ../runtime/primitives' all
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.mli
- echo '#!/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin/ocamlrun' > camlheader
- echo '#!/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin/ocamlrun' > target_camlheader
- echo '#!' | tr -d '\012' > camlheader_ur
- echo '#!/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin/ocamlrund' > camlheaderd
- echo '#!/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin/ocamlrund' > target_camlheaderd
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Pervasives.cmo -c pervasives.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Either.cmi -c either.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Sys.cmi -c sys.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmi -c nativeint.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int32.cmi -c int32.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalLazy.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bool.cmi -c bool.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Char.cmi -c char.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Uchar.cmi -c uchar.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int.cmi -c int.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Unit.cmi -c unit.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Marshal.cmi -c marshal.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int64.cmi -c int64.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Lexing.cmi -c lexing.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Stream.cmi -c stream.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Arg.cmi -c arg.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Atomic.cmi -c atomic.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Printexc.cmi -c printexc.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Fun.cmi -c fun.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Digest.cmi -c digest.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Random.cmi -c random.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Scanf.cmi -c scanf.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Callback.cmi -c callback.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Genlex.cmi -c genlex.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Filename.cmi -c filename.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Complex.cmi -c complex.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__In_channel.cmi -c in_channel.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmi -c out_channel.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c std_exit.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Either.cmo -c either.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Sys.cmo -c sys.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Obj.cmi -c obj.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Lazy.cmi -c lazy.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Seq.cmi -c seq.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bool.cmo -c bool.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Char.cmo -c char.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Uchar.cmo -c uchar.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int.cmo -c int.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Unit.cmo -c unit.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int32.cmo -c int32.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int64.cmo -c int64.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmo -c nativeint.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Parsing.cmi -c parsing.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Atomic.cmo -c atomic.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Fun.cmo -c fun.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Gc.cmi -c gc.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmi -c hashtbl.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Callback.cmo -c callback.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalOO.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalMod.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Complex.cmo -c complex.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmi -c arrayLabels.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmi -c listLabels.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmi -c bytesLabels.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmi -c stringLabels.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmi -c bigarray.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmo -c out_channel.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Obj.cmo -c obj.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalLazy.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Lazy.cmo -c lazy.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Seq.cmo -c seq.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Option.cmi -c option.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Result.cmi -c result.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__List.cmi -c list.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bytes.cmi -c bytes.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__String.cmi -c string.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Array.cmi -c array.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Float.cmi -c float.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Set.cmi -c set.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Map.cmi -c map.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Stack.cmi -c stack.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Queue.cmi -c queue.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A \
-          -o stdlib__Buffer.cmi -c buffer.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Weak.cmi -c weak.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -no-principal \
-          -o stdlib__Oo.cmi -c oo.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalMod.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmi -c ephemeron.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmo -c arrayLabels.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmo -c listLabels.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmo -c bytesLabels.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmo -c stringLabels.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmi -c stdLabels.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmo -c bigarray.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__In_channel.cmo -c in_channel.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Option.cmo -c option.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Result.cmo -c result.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__List.cmo -c list.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bytes.cmo -c bytes.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__String.cmo -c string.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Marshal.cmo -c marshal.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Array.cmo -c array.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__Float.cmo -c float.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Lexing.cmo -c lexing.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Parsing.cmo -c parsing.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Set.cmo -c set.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Map.cmo -c map.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Stack.cmo -c stack.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Queue.cmo -c queue.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Stream.cmo -c stream.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A \
-          -o stdlib__Buffer.cmo -c buffer.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match -c camlinternalFormat.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Printf.cmi -c printf.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Digest.cmo -c digest.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Random.cmo -c random.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmo -c hashtbl.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Weak.cmo -c weak.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Format.cmi -c format.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Scanf.cmo -c scanf.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalOO.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Oo.cmo -c oo.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Genlex.cmo -c genlex.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmo -c ephemeron.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Filename.cmo -c filename.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmi -c moreLabels.mli
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmo -c stdLabels.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match -c camlinternalFormat.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Printf.cmo -c printf.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Arg.cmo -c arg.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Printexc.cmo -c printexc.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Gc.cmo -c gc.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Format.cmo -c format.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmo -c moreLabels.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -a -o stdlib.cma camlinternalFormatBasics.cmo camlinternalAtomic.cmo stdlib.cmo stdlib__Pervasives.cmo stdlib__Either.cmo stdlib__Sys.cmo stdlib__Obj.cmo camlinternalLazy.cmo stdlib__Lazy.cmo stdlib__Seq.cmo stdlib__Option.cmo stdlib__Result.cmo stdlib__Bool.cmo stdlib__Char.cmo stdlib__Uchar.cmo stdlib__List.cmo stdlib__Int.cmo stdlib__Bytes.cmo stdlib__String.cmo stdlib__Unit.cmo stdlib__Marshal.cmo stdlib__Array.cmo stdlib__Float.cmo stdlib__Int32.cmo stdlib__Int64.cmo stdlib__Nativeint.cmo stdlib__Lexing.cmo stdlib__Parsing.cmo stdlib__Set.cmo stdlib__Map.cmo stdlib__Stack.cmo stdlib__Queue.cmo stdlib__Stream.cmo stdlib__Buffer.cmo camlinternalFormat.cmo stdlib__Printf.cmo stdlib__Arg.cmo stdlib__Atomic.cmo stdlib__Printexc.cmo stdlib__Fun.cmo stdlib__Gc.cmo stdlib__Digest.cmo stdlib__Random.cmo stdlib__Hashtbl.cmo stdlib__Weak.cmo stdlib__Format.cmo stdlib__Scanf.cmo stdlib__Callback.cmo camlinternalOO.cmo stdlib__Oo.cmo camlinternalMod.cmo stdlib__Genlex.cmo stdlib__Ephemeron.cmo stdlib__Filename.cmo stdlib__Complex.cmo stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmo stdlib__ListLabels.cmo stdlib__BytesLabels.cmo stdlib__StringLabels.cmo stdlib__MoreLabels.cmo stdlib__StdLabels.cmo stdlib__Bigarray.cmo stdlib__In_channel.cmo stdlib__Out_channel.cmo
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- cp runtime/ocamlrun boot/ocamlrun
- cd boot; rm -f stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader
- cd stdlib; cp stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader ../boot
- cd boot; ln -sf ../runtime/libcamlrun.a .
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make all
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C runtime  all
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- cd stdlib; ln -sf ../runtime/libcamlrun.a .
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make ocamlc
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/warnings.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/longident.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/build_path_prefix_map.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/identifiable.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/load_path.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.mli
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C utils config.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/config.mli
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/utils'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/arg_helper.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/profile.mli
- sed -e 's!%%AFL_INSTRUMENT%%!false!' \
-     -e 's!%%ARCH%%!arm64!' \
-     -e 's!%%ARCMD%%!ar!' \
-     -e 's!%%ASM%%!aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c!' \
-     -e 's!%%ASM_CFI_SUPPORTED%%!true!' \
-     -e 's!%%BYTECCLIBS%%!-lpthread!' \
-     -e 's!%%CC%%!aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc!' \
-     -e 's!%%CCOMPTYPE%%!cc!' \
-     -e 's!%%OUTPUTOBJ%%!-o !' \
-     -e 's!%%EXT_ASM%%!.s!' \
-     -e 's!%%EXT_DLL%%!.so!' \
-     -e 's!%%EXE%%!!' \
-     -e 's!%%EXT_LIB%%!.a!' \
-     -e 's!%%EXT_OBJ%%!.o!' \
-     -e 's!%%FLAMBDA%%!false!' \
-     -e 's!%%WITH_FLAMBDA_INVARIANTS%%!false!' \
-     -e 's!%%WITH_CMM_INVARIANTS%%!false!' \
-     -e 's!%%FLEXLINK_FLAGS%%!!' \
-     -e 's!%%FLEXDLL_DIR%%!!' \
-     -e 's!%%HOST%%!x86_64-cosmo-none!' \
-     -e 's!%%BINDIR%%!/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin!' \
-     -e 's!%%LIBDIR%%!/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml!' \
-     -e 's!%%MKDLL%%!shared-libs-not-available!' \
-     -e 's!%%MKEXE%%!aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard   !' \
-     -e 's!%%FLEXLINK_LDFLAGS%%!!' \
-     -e 's!%%FLEXLINK_DLL_LDFLAGS%%!!' \
-     -e 's!%%MKMAINDLL%%!shared-libs-not-available!' \
-     -e 's!%%MODEL%%!default!' \
-     -e 's!%%NATIVECCLIBS%%!!' \
-     -e 's!%%OCAMLC_CFLAGS%%!-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread  !' \
-     -e 's!%%OCAMLC_CPPFLAGS%%!-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 !' \
-     -e 's!%%OCAMLOPT_CFLAGS%%!-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread  !' \
-     -e 's!%%PACKLD%%!aarch64-unknown-cosmo-ld -r -o !' \
-     -e 's!%%PROFINFO_WIDTH%%!0!' \
-     -e 's!%%RPATH%%!!' \
-     -e 's!%%MKSHAREDLIBRPATH%%!!' \
-     -e 's!%%FORCE_SAFE_STRING%%!true!' \
-     -e 's!%%DEFAULT_SAFE_STRING%%!true!' \
-     -e 's!%%WINDOWS_UNICODE%%!0!' \
-     -e 's!%%NAKED_POINTERS%%!true!' \
-     -e 's!%%SUPPORTS_SHARED_LIBRARIES%%!false!' \
-     -e 's!%%SYSTEM%%!unknown!' \
-     -e 's!%%SYSTHREAD_SUPPORT%%!true!' \
-     -e 's!%%TARGET%%!aarch64-cosmo-none!' \
-     -e 's!%%WITH_FRAME_POINTERS%%!false!' \
-     -e 's!%%WITH_PROFINFO%%!false!' \
-     -e 's!%%FLAT_FLOAT_ARRAY%%!true!' \
-     -e 's!%%FUNCTION_SECTIONS%%!false!' \
-     -e 's!%%CC_HAS_DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP%%!true!' \
-     -e 's!%%AS_HAS_DEBUG_PREFIX_MAP%%!false!' \
-     config.mlp > config.ml
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/utils'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/local_store.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/terminfo.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/ccomp.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/targetint.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.mli
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -E -I runtime/caml utils/domainstate.ml.c > utils/domainstate.ml
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -E -I runtime/caml utils/domainstate.mli.c > utils/domainstate.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/binutils.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/lazy_backtrack.mli
- cp boot/menhir/menhirLib.ml parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.ml
- echo '[@@@ocaml.warning "-67"]' > parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamllex -q parsing/lexer.mll
- cat boot/menhir/menhirLib.mli >> parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/switch.mli
- lambda/generate_runtimedef.sh runtime/caml/fail.h runtime/primitives > lambda/runtimedef.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/runtimedef.mli
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools make_opcodes
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytesections.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/dll.mli
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamllex -q make_opcodes.mll
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/main_args.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. make_opcodes.ml -o make_opcodes
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/makedepend.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytelibrarian.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/errors.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/maindriver.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/location.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/misc.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/config.ml -I utils
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/build_path_prefix_map.ml -I utils
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/arg_helper.ml -I utils
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/local_store.ml -I utils
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/terminfo.ml -I utils
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/strongly_connected_components.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.ml -I utils
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/domainstate.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/binutils.ml -I utils
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c utils/lazy_backtrack.ml -I utils
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/syntaxerr.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/switch.ml -I lambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c lambda/runtimedef.ml -I lambda
- ./runtime/ocamlrun tools/make_opcodes -opcodes < runtime/caml/instruct.h > bytecomp/opcodes.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/bytesections.ml -I bytecomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c bytecomp/dll.ml -I bytecomp
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- sed "s/MenhirLib/CamlinternalMenhirLib/g" boot/menhir/parser.mli > parsing/parser.mli
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -a -linkall -o compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma utils/config.cmo utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo utils/misc.cmo utils/identifiable.cmo utils/numbers.cmo utils/arg_helper.cmo utils/clflags.cmo utils/profile.cmo utils/local_store.cmo utils/load_path.cmo utils/terminfo.cmo utils/ccomp.cmo utils/warnings.cmo utils/consistbl.cmo utils/strongly_connected_components.cmo utils/targetint.cmo utils/int_replace_polymorphic_compare.cmo utils/domainstate.cmo utils/binutils.cmo utils/lazy_backtrack.cmo utils/diffing.cmo utils/diffing_with_keys.cmo parsing/location.cmo parsing/longident.cmo parsing/docstrings.cmo parsing/syntaxerr.cmo parsing/ast_helper.cmo parsing/pprintast.cmo parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.cmo parsing/parser.cmo parsing/lexer.cmo parsing/parse.cmo parsing/printast.cmo parsing/ast_mapper.cmo parsing/ast_iterator.cmo parsing/attr_helper.cmo parsing/builtin_attributes.cmo parsing/ast_invariants.cmo parsing/depend.cmo typing/ident.cmo typing/path.cmo typing/primitive.cmo typing/type_immediacy.cmo typing/shape.cmo typing/types.cmo typing/btype.cmo typing/oprint.cmo typing/subst.cmo typing/predef.cmo typing/datarepr.cmo file_formats/cmi_format.cmo typing/persistent_env.cmo typing/env.cmo typing/errortrace.cmo typing/typedtree.cmo typing/signature_group.cmo typing/printtyped.cmo typing/ctype.cmo typing/printtyp.cmo typing/includeclass.cmo typing/mtype.cmo typing/envaux.cmo typing/includecore.cmo typing/tast_iterator.cmo typing/tast_mapper.cmo typing/stypes.cmo file_formats/cmt_format.cmo typing/cmt2annot.cmo typing/untypeast.cmo typing/includemod.cmo typing/includemod_errorprinter.cmo typing/typetexp.cmo typing/printpat.cmo typing/patterns.cmo typing/parmatch.cmo typing/typedecl_properties.cmo typing/typedecl_variance.cmo typing/typedecl_unboxed.cmo typing/typedecl_immediacy.cmo typing/typedecl_separability.cmo typing/typedecl.cmo typing/typeopt.cmo typing/rec_check.cmo typing/typecore.cmo typing/typeclass.cmo typing/typemod.cmo lambda/debuginfo.cmo lambda/lambda.cmo lambda/printlambda.cmo lambda/switch.cmo lambda/matching.cmo lambda/translobj.cmo lambda/translattribute.cmo lambda/translprim.cmo lambda/translcore.cmo lambda/translclass.cmo lambda/translmod.cmo lambda/tmc.cmo lambda/simplif.cmo lambda/runtimedef.cmo bytecomp/meta.cmo bytecomp/opcodes.cmo bytecomp/bytesections.cmo bytecomp/dll.cmo bytecomp/symtable.cmo driver/pparse.cmo driver/compenv.cmo driver/main_args.cmo driver/compmisc.cmo driver/makedepend.cmo driver/compile_common.cmo
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives  -compat-32 -o ocamlc compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma driver/main.cmo
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make ocamllex ocamltools library
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C yacc  all
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/backend_intf.mli
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/yacc'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_cost.mli
- cp /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/ocamlyacc .
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/internal_variable_names.ml -I middle_end
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/yacc'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/linkage_name.ml -I middle_end
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/compilation_unit.ml -I middle_end
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/variable.ml -I middle_end
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_id.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/clambda_primitives.ml -I middle_end
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/printclambda_primitives.mli
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/printclambda.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/convert_primitives.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/id_types.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/mutable_variable.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_origin.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/pass_wrapper.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/parameter.ml -I middle_end/flambda
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/compilenv.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/closure/closure.mli
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/import_approx.mli
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/alias_analysis.mli
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/un_anf.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.mli
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- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C stdlib  all
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C lex all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats_types.mli
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/lex'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops_intf.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/printclambda_primitives.ml -I middle_end
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot cset.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/printclambda.ml -I middle_end
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.ml -I middle_end
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/convert_primitives.ml -I middle_end
- ../yacc/ocamlyacc -v parser.mly
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/id_types.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamllex -q lexer.mll
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
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- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot cset.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.ml -I middle_end/flambda/base_types
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/pass_wrapper.ml -I middle_end/flambda
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_utils.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot syntax.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot parser.mli
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- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.ml
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- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot compact.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/lift_let_to_initialize_symbol.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot common.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot output.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Pervasives.cmo -c pervasives.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/find_recursive_functions.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Either.cmi -c either.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot outputbis.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/invariant_params.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot output.ml
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-          -o stdlib__Sys.cmi -c sys.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot outputbis.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/alias_analysis.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -warn-error +A -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -bin-annot main.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/lift_constants.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmi -c nativeint.mli
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_closure_vars.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_program_constructs.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int32.cmi -c int32.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.mli
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/ref_to_variables.ml -I middle_end/flambda
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-          -o stdlib__Seq.cmi -c seq.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bool.cmi -c bool.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_invariants.ml -I middle_end/flambda
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- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Char.cmi -c char.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/traverse_for_exported_symbols.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Uchar.cmi -c uchar.mli
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/lex'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/un_anf.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int.cmi -c int.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bytes.cmi -c bytes.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__String.cmi -c string.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Unit.cmi -c unit.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/simplify_primitives.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Marshal.cmi -c marshal.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Array.cmi -c array.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Float.cmi -c float.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision_intf.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int32.cmo -c int32.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int64.cmi -c int64.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmo -c nativeint.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Lexing.cmi -c lexing.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Set.cmi -c set.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/build_export_info.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Map.cmi -c map.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Stack.cmi -c stack.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Queue.cmi -c queue.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Stream.cmi -c stream.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A \
-          -o stdlib__Buffer.cmi -c buffer.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Arg.cmi -c arg.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.ml -I middle_end/flambda
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Atomic.cmi -c atomic.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Printexc.cmi -c printexc.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Fun.cmi -c fun.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Digest.cmi -c digest.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Random.cmi -c random.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmi -c hashtbl.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Format.cmi -c format.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Scanf.cmi -c scanf.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Callback.cmi -c callback.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Genlex.cmi -c genlex.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Filename.cmi -c filename.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Complex.cmi -c complex.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmi -c arrayLabels.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmi -c listLabels.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmi -c bytesLabels.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmi -c stringLabels.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmi -c moreLabels.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmi -c bigarray.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__In_channel.cmi -c in_channel.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmi -c out_channel.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c std_exit.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Either.cmo -c either.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Sys.cmo -c sys.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Obj.cmi -c obj.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Lazy.cmi -c lazy.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Option.cmi -c option.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Result.cmi -c result.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bool.cmo -c bool.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Char.cmo -c char.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Uchar.cmo -c uchar.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__List.cmi -c list.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int.cmo -c int.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bytes.cmo -c bytes.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__String.cmo -c string.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Unit.cmo -c unit.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Marshal.cmo -c marshal.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Array.cmo -c array.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Int64.cmo -c int64.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Lexing.cmo -c lexing.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Parsing.cmi -c parsing.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Set.cmo -c set.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Map.cmo -c map.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Stack.cmo -c stack.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Queue.cmo -c queue.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Stream.cmo -c stream.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A \
-          -o stdlib__Buffer.cmo -c buffer.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match -c camlinternalFormat.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Printf.cmi -c printf.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Atomic.cmo -c atomic.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Fun.cmo -c fun.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Gc.cmi -c gc.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Digest.cmo -c digest.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Random.cmo -c random.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmo -c hashtbl.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Weak.cmi -c weak.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Format.cmo -c format.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Scanf.cmo -c scanf.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -a -o compilerlibs/ocamlmiddleend.cma middle_end/internal_variable_names.cmo middle_end/linkage_name.cmo middle_end/compilation_unit.cmo middle_end/variable.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_element.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_id.cmo middle_end/symbol.cmo middle_end/backend_var.cmo middle_end/clambda_primitives.cmo middle_end/printclambda_primitives.cmo middle_end/clambda.cmo middle_end/printclambda.cmo middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.cmo middle_end/convert_primitives.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/id_types.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/mutable_variable.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_origin.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/var_within_closure.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.cmo middle_end/flambda/pass_wrapper.cmo middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.cmo middle_end/flambda/parameter.cmo middle_end/flambda/projection.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_iterators.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_utils.cmo middle_end/flambda/freshening.cmo middle_end/flambda/effect_analysis.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_cost.cmo middle_end/flambda/simple_value_approx.cmo middle_end/flambda/export_info.cmo middle_end/flambda/export_info_for_pack.cmo middle_end/compilenv.cmo middle_end/closure/closure.cmo middle_end/closure/closure_middle_end.cmo middle_end/flambda/import_approx.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_code.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion_aux.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion.cmo middle_end/flambda/initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_let_to_initialize_symbol.cmo middle_end/flambda/find_recursive_functions.cmo middle_end/flambda/invariant_params.cmo middle_end/flambda/inconstant_idents.cmo middle_end/flambda/alias_analysis.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_constants.cmo middle_end/flambda/share_constants.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_common.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_arguments.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_closure_vars.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_program_constructs.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_primitives.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats_types.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.cmo middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.cmo middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.cmo middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.cmo middle_end/flambda/ref_to_variables.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_invariants.cmo middle_end/flambda/traverse_for_exported_symbols.cmo middle_end/flambda/build_export_info.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.cmo middle_end/flambda/un_anf.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.cmo
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools all
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Callback.cmo -c callback.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalOO.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalMod.mli
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Genlex.cmo -c genlex.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmi -c ephemeron.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamldep.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlprof.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlcp.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Filename.cmo -c filename.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamloptp.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlmklib.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlmktop.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Complex.cmo -c complex.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - ocamlcmt.ml
- ../runtime/ocamlrun make_opcodes -opnames < ../runtime/caml/instruct.h > opnames.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - objinfo.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - primreq.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmo -c arrayLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - stripdebug.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - cmpbyt.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - profiling.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -compat-32 -I .. -o ocamldep ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma ocamldep.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmo -c listLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlcp ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ../utils/profile.cmo ../utils/warnings.cmo ../utils/identifiable.cmo ../utils/numbers.cmo ../utils/arg_helper.cmo ../utils/clflags.cmo ../utils/local_store.cmo ../utils/terminfo.cmo ../parsing/location.cmo ../utils/load_path.cmo ../utils/ccomp.cmo ../driver/compenv.cmo ../driver/main_args.cmo ocamlcp.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamloptp ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ../utils/profile.cmo ../utils/warnings.cmo ../utils/identifiable.cmo ../utils/numbers.cmo ../utils/arg_helper.cmo ../utils/clflags.cmo ../utils/local_store.cmo ../utils/terminfo.cmo ../parsing/location.cmo ../utils/load_path.cmo ../utils/ccomp.cmo ../driver/compenv.cmo ../driver/main_args.cmo ocamloptp.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmo -c bytesLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmo -c stringLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmo -c moreLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlmktop ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ../utils/identifiable.cmo ../utils/numbers.cmo ../utils/arg_helper.cmo ../utils/clflags.cmo ../utils/local_store.cmo ../utils/load_path.cmo ../utils/profile.cmo ../utils/ccomp.cmo ocamlmktop.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" \
-          -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmi -c stdLabels.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmo -c bigarray.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - opnames.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o primreq ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma primreq.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__In_channel.cmo -c in_channel.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmo -c out_channel.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o stripdebug ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma stripdebug.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Obj.cmo -c obj.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o cmpbyt ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma cmpbyt.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalLazy.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - profiling.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlmklib ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ocamlmklib.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Lazy.cmo -c lazy.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlcmt ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma ocamlcmt.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - dumpobj.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlprof ../utils/config.cmo ../utils/build_path_prefix_map.cmo ../utils/misc.cmo ../utils/identifiable.cmo ../utils/numbers.cmo ../utils/arg_helper.cmo ../utils/clflags.cmo ../utils/terminfo.cmo ../utils/warnings.cmo ../parsing/location.cmo ../parsing/longident.cmo ../parsing/docstrings.cmo ../parsing/syntaxerr.cmo ../parsing/ast_helper.cmo ../parsing/camlinternalMenhirLib.cmo ../parsing/parser.cmo ../parsing/pprintast.cmo ../parsing/lexer.cmo ../parsing/parse.cmo ocamlprof.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Seq.cmo -c seq.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Option.cmo -c option.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Result.cmo -c result.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__List.cmo -c list.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__Float.cmo -c float.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o ocamlobjinfo ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlmiddleend.cma objinfo.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Parsing.cmo -c parsing.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match -c camlinternalFormat.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -w +A -w -fragile-match \
-          -o stdlib__Printf.cmo -c printf.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Arg.cmo -c arg.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Printexc.cmo -c printexc.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Gc.cmo -c gc.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -I .. -o dumpobj ../compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma ../compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma opnames.cmo dumpobj.cmo
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Weak.cmo -c weak.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalOO.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -no-principal \
-          -o stdlib__Oo.cmi -c oo.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -c camlinternalMod.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmo -c ephemeron.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats  -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-          -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmo -c stdLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   \
-          -o stdlib__Oo.cmo -c oo.ml
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlc -a -o stdlib.cma camlinternalFormatBasics.cmo camlinternalAtomic.cmo stdlib.cmo stdlib__Pervasives.cmo stdlib__Either.cmo stdlib__Sys.cmo stdlib__Obj.cmo camlinternalLazy.cmo stdlib__Lazy.cmo stdlib__Seq.cmo stdlib__Option.cmo stdlib__Result.cmo stdlib__Bool.cmo stdlib__Char.cmo stdlib__Uchar.cmo stdlib__List.cmo stdlib__Int.cmo stdlib__Bytes.cmo stdlib__String.cmo stdlib__Unit.cmo stdlib__Marshal.cmo stdlib__Array.cmo stdlib__Float.cmo stdlib__Int32.cmo stdlib__Int64.cmo stdlib__Nativeint.cmo stdlib__Lexing.cmo stdlib__Parsing.cmo stdlib__Set.cmo stdlib__Map.cmo stdlib__Stack.cmo stdlib__Queue.cmo stdlib__Stream.cmo stdlib__Buffer.cmo camlinternalFormat.cmo stdlib__Printf.cmo stdlib__Arg.cmo stdlib__Atomic.cmo stdlib__Printexc.cmo stdlib__Fun.cmo stdlib__Gc.cmo stdlib__Digest.cmo stdlib__Random.cmo stdlib__Hashtbl.cmo stdlib__Weak.cmo stdlib__Format.cmo stdlib__Scanf.cmo stdlib__Callback.cmo camlinternalOO.cmo stdlib__Oo.cmo camlinternalMod.cmo stdlib__Genlex.cmo stdlib__Ephemeron.cmo stdlib__Filename.cmo stdlib__Complex.cmo stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmo stdlib__ListLabels.cmo stdlib__BytesLabels.cmo stdlib__StringLabels.cmo stdlib__MoreLabels.cmo stdlib__StdLabels.cmo stdlib__Bigarray.cmo stdlib__In_channel.cmo stdlib__Out_channel.cmo
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make ocaml
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/expunge.ml -I toplevel
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/genprintval.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/trace.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/toploop.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topdirs.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topmain.mli
- cp toplevel/topmain.cmi toplevel/topmain.mli toplevel/byte
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topstart.ml -I toplevel
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topcommon.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/genprintval.ml -I toplevel
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives  -o expunge compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma toplevel/expunge.cmo
- cp toplevel/trace.cmi toplevel/trace.mli toplevel/byte
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topeval.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topcommon.ml -I toplevel
- cp toplevel/topeval.cmi toplevel/topeval.mli toplevel/byte
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/toploop.ml -I toplevel
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/topdirs.ml -I toplevel
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/byte/topeval.ml -I toplevel/byte
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/byte/trace.ml -I toplevel/byte
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c toplevel/byte/topmain.ml -I toplevel/byte
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -a -o compilerlibs/ocamltoplevel.cma -I toplevel/byte toplevel/genprintval.cmo toplevel/topcommon.cmo toplevel/byte/topeval.cmo toplevel/byte/trace.cmo toplevel/toploop.cmo toplevel/topdirs.cmo toplevel/byte/topmain.cmo
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives  -I toplevel/byte -linkall -o ocaml.tmp compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma compilerlibs/ocamlbytecomp.cma compilerlibs/ocamltoplevel.cma toplevel/topstart.cmo
- ./boot/ocamlrun expunge ocaml.tmp ocaml  camlinternalFormatBasics camlinternalAtomic stdlib stdlib__Pervasives stdlib__Either stdlib__Sys stdlib__Obj camlinternalLazy stdlib__Lazy stdlib__Seq stdlib__Option stdlib__Result stdlib__Bool stdlib__Char stdlib__Uchar stdlib__List stdlib__Int stdlib__Bytes stdlib__String stdlib__Unit stdlib__Marshal stdlib__Array stdlib__Float stdlib__Int32 stdlib__Int64 stdlib__Nativeint stdlib__Lexing stdlib__Parsing stdlib__Set stdlib__Map stdlib__Stack stdlib__Queue stdlib__Stream stdlib__Buffer camlinternalFormat stdlib__Printf stdlib__Arg stdlib__Atomic stdlib__Printexc stdlib__Fun stdlib__Gc stdlib__Digest stdlib__Random stdlib__Hashtbl stdlib__Weak stdlib__Format stdlib__Scanf stdlib__Callback camlinternalOO stdlib__Oo camlinternalMod stdlib__Genlex stdlib__Ephemeron stdlib__Filename stdlib__Complex stdlib__ArrayLabels stdlib__ListLabels stdlib__BytesLabels stdlib__StringLabels stdlib__MoreLabels stdlib__StdLabels stdlib__Bigarray stdlib__In_channel stdlib__Out_channel outcometree topdirs toploop
- rm ocaml.tmp
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make otherlibraries   \
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C yacc  all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/yacc'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/yacc'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C lex all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/lex'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/lex'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C otherlibs all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs'
- make[5]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o accept.o accept.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o access.o access.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o addrofstr.o addrofstr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o alarm.o alarm.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o bind.o bind.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o channels.o channels.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o chdir.o chdir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o chmod.o chmod.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o chown.o chown.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o chroot.o chroot.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o close.o close.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fsync.o fsync.c
- cc1: note: modified 3 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o closedir.o closedir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o connect.o connect.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o cst2constr.o cst2constr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o cstringv.o cstringv.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o dup.o dup.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o dup2.o dup2.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o envir.o envir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o errmsg.o errmsg.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o execv.o execv.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o execve.o execve.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o execvp.o execvp.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o exit.o exit.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fchmod.o fchmod.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fchown.o fchown.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fcntl.o fcntl.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fork.o fork.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o ftruncate.o ftruncate.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getaddrinfo.o getaddrinfo.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getcwd.o getcwd.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getegid.o getegid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o geteuid.o geteuid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getgid.o getgid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getgr.o getgr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getgroups.o getgroups.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o gethost.o gethost.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o gethostname.o gethostname.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getlogin.o getlogin.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getnameinfo.o getnameinfo.c
- cc1: note: rewrote 1 switch statements
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getpeername.o getpeername.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getpid.o getpid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getppid.o getppid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getproto.o getproto.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getpw.o getpw.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o gettimeofday.o gettimeofday.c
- cc1: note: rewrote 1 switch statements
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getserv.o getserv.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getsockname.o getsockname.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getuid.o getuid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o gmtime.o gmtime.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o initgroups.o initgroups.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o isatty.o isatty.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o itimer.o itimer.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o kill.o kill.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o link.o link.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o listen.o listen.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o lockf.o lockf.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o lseek.o lseek.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o mkdir.o mkdir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o mkfifo.o mkfifo.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o mmap.o mmap.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o mmap_ba.o mmap_ba.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o nice.o nice.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o open.o open.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o opendir.o opendir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o pipe.o pipe.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o putenv.o putenv.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o read.o read.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o realpath.o realpath.c
- cc1: note: modified 7 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o readdir.o readdir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o readlink.o readlink.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o rename.o rename.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o rewinddir.o rewinddir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o rmdir.o rmdir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o select.o select.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o sendrecv.o sendrecv.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o setgid.o setgid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o setgroups.o setgroups.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o setsid.o setsid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o setuid.o setuid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o shutdown.o shutdown.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o signals.o signals.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o sleep.o sleep.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o socket.o socket.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o socketaddr.o socketaddr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o socketpair.o socketpair.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o sockopt.o sockopt.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o spawn.o spawn.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o stat.o stat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o strofaddr.o strofaddr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o symlink.o symlink.c
- cc1: note: modified 3 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o termios.o termios.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o time.o time.c
- cc1: note: modified 3 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o times.o times.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o truncate.o truncate.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o umask.o umask.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o unixsupport.o unixsupport.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o unlink.o unlink.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o utimes.o utimes.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o wait.o wait.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o write.o write.c
- cc1: note: modified 36 initializations
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -nolabels unix.mli
- cc1: note: modified 1 initializations
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -nolabels unix.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -nolabels -pp "nawk -f ../../stdlib/expand_module_aliases.awk" unixLabels.mli
- cc1: note: modified 68 initializations
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -oc unix accept.o access.o addrofstr.o alarm.o bind.o channels.o chdir.o chmod.o chown.o chroot.o close.o fsync.o closedir.o connect.o cst2constr.o cstringv.o dup.o dup2.o envir.o errmsg.o execv.o execve.o execvp.o exit.o fchmod.o fchown.o fcntl.o fork.o ftruncate.o getaddrinfo.o getcwd.o getegid.o geteuid.o getgid.o getgr.o getgroups.o gethost.o gethostname.o getlogin.o getnameinfo.o getpeername.o getpid.o getppid.o getproto.o getpw.o gettimeofday.o getserv.o getsockname.o getuid.o gmtime.o initgroups.o isatty.o itimer.o kill.o link.o listen.o lockf.o lseek.o mkdir.o mkfifo.o mmap.o mmap_ba.o nice.o open.o opendir.o pipe.o putenv.o read.o realpath.o readdir.o readlink.o rename.o rewinddir.o rmdir.o select.o sendrecv.o setgid.o setgroups.o setsid.o setuid.o shutdown.o signals.o sleep.o socket.o socketaddr.o socketpair.o sockopt.o spawn.o stat.o strofaddr.o symlink.o termios.o time.o times.o truncate.o umask.o unixsupport.o unlink.o utimes.o wait.o write.o 
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -nolabels unixLabels.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o unix -oc unix -ocamlc '../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib' -linkall \
-          unix.cmo unixLabels.cmo 
- make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- make[5]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats  bigarray.mli
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats  bigarray.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -o bigarray.cma -a -linkall bigarray.cmo 
- make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- make[5]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o strstubs.o strstubs.c
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats  str.mli
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats  str.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -oc camlstr strstubs.o 
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o str -oc camlstr -ocamlc '../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib' -linkall \
-          str.cmo 
- make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- make[5]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g   -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime  \
-   -o st_stubs.b.o st_stubs.c
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string thread.mli
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string mutex.mli
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string event.mli
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string threadUnix.mli
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string semaphore.mli
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string mutex.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string condition.mli
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string thread.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string threadUnix.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string condition.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string event.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string semaphore.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o threads -ocamlc '../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix' -cclib -lunix -linkall \
-   -cclib -lpthread thread.cmo mutex.cmo condition.cmo event.cmo threadUnix.cmo semaphore.cmo
- cc1: note: modified 3 initializations
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o threads st_stubs.b.o -lpthread
- make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs'
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- PATH="/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/home/opam/bin:/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin" /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C ocaml opt
- make[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make runtimeopt
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C runtime  allopt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- tr -d '\r' < caml/instruct.h | \
- sed -e '/\/\*/d' \
-     -e '/^#/d' \
-     -e 's/enum /static char * names_of_/' \
-     -e 's/{$/[] = {/' \
-     -e 's/\([[:upper:]][[:upper:]_0-9]*\)/"\1"/g' > caml/opnames.h
- tr -d '\r' < caml/instruct.h | \
- sed -n -e '/^  /s/ \([A-Z]\)/ \&\&lbl_\1/gp' \
-        -e '/^}/q' > caml/jumptbl.h
- echo '/* This file is generated from ../Makefile.config */' > build_config.h
- echo '#define OCAML_STDLIB_DIR "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"' >> build_config.h
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc  -c -DSYS_unknown -I../runtime -DMODEL_default -o arm64.o arm64.S || \
- { echo "If your assembler produced syntax errors, it is probably";\
-           echo "unhappy with the preprocessor. Check your assembler, or";\
-           echo "try producing arm64.o by hand.";\
-           exit 2; }
- echo '#define HOST "x86_64-cosmo-none"' >> build_config.h
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o startup_aux.n.o startup_aux.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o startup_nat.n.o startup_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o main.n.o main.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o fail_nat.n.o fail_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o roots_nat.n.o roots_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o signals.n.o signals.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o signals_nat.n.o signals_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o misc.n.o misc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o freelist.n.o freelist.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o major_gc.n.o major_gc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o minor_gc.n.o minor_gc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o memory.n.o memory.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o alloc.n.o alloc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o compare.n.o compare.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o ints.n.o ints.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o floats.n.o floats.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o str.n.o str.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o array.n.o array.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o io.n.o io.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o extern.n.o extern.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o intern.n.o intern.c
- cc1: note: modified 9 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o hash.n.o hash.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o sys.n.o sys.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o parsing.n.o parsing.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o gc_ctrl.n.o gc_ctrl.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o eventlog.n.o eventlog.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o md5.n.o md5.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o obj.n.o obj.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o lexing.n.o lexing.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o unix.n.o unix.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o printexc.n.o printexc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o callback.n.o callback.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o weak.n.o weak.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o compact.n.o compact.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o finalise.n.o finalise.c
- cc1: note: modified 5 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o custom.n.o custom.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o globroots.n.o globroots.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o backtrace_nat.n.o backtrace_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o backtrace.n.o backtrace.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o dynlink_nat.n.o dynlink_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o debugger.n.o debugger.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o meta.n.o meta.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o dynlink.n.o dynlink.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o clambda_checks.n.o clambda_checks.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o afl.n.o afl.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o bigarray.n.o bigarray.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o memprof.n.o memprof.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o domain.n.o domain.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o skiplist.n.o skiplist.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  -o codefrag.n.o codefrag.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o startup_aux.nd.o startup_aux.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o startup_nat.nd.o startup_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o main.nd.o main.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o fail_nat.nd.o fail_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o roots_nat.nd.o roots_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o signals.nd.o signals.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o signals_nat.nd.o signals_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o misc.nd.o misc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o freelist.nd.o freelist.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o major_gc.nd.o major_gc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o minor_gc.nd.o minor_gc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o memory.nd.o memory.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o alloc.nd.o alloc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o compare.nd.o compare.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o ints.nd.o ints.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o floats.nd.o floats.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o str.nd.o str.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o array.nd.o array.c
- cc1: note: modified 9 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o io.nd.o io.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o extern.nd.o extern.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o intern.nd.o intern.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o hash.nd.o hash.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o sys.nd.o sys.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o parsing.nd.o parsing.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o gc_ctrl.nd.o gc_ctrl.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o eventlog.nd.o eventlog.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o md5.nd.o md5.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o obj.nd.o obj.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o lexing.nd.o lexing.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o unix.nd.o unix.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o printexc.nd.o printexc.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o callback.nd.o callback.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o weak.nd.o weak.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o compact.nd.o compact.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o finalise.nd.o finalise.c
- cc1: note: modified 5 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o custom.nd.o custom.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o globroots.nd.o globroots.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o backtrace_nat.nd.o backtrace_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o backtrace.nd.o backtrace.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o dynlink_nat.nd.o dynlink_nat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o debugger.nd.o debugger.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o meta.nd.o meta.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o dynlink.nd.o dynlink.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o clambda_checks.nd.o clambda_checks.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o afl.nd.o afl.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o bigarray.nd.o bigarray.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o memprof.nd.o memprof.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o domain.nd.o domain.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o skiplist.nd.o skiplist.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g  -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -DCAMLDLLIMPORT= -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DDEBUG  -o codefrag.nd.o codefrag.c
- rm -f libasmrun.a && ar rc libasmrun.a  startup_aux.n.o startup_nat.n.o main.n.o fail_nat.n.o roots_nat.n.o signals.n.o signals_nat.n.o misc.n.o freelist.n.o major_gc.n.o minor_gc.n.o memory.n.o alloc.n.o compare.n.o ints.n.o floats.n.o str.n.o array.n.o io.n.o extern.n.o intern.n.o hash.n.o sys.n.o parsing.n.o gc_ctrl.n.o eventlog.n.o md5.n.o obj.n.o lexing.n.o unix.n.o printexc.n.o callback.n.o weak.n.o compact.n.o finalise.n.o custom.n.o globroots.n.o backtrace_nat.n.o backtrace.n.o dynlink_nat.n.o debugger.n.o meta.n.o dynlink.n.o clambda_checks.n.o afl.n.o bigarray.n.o memprof.n.o domain.n.o skiplist.n.o codefrag.n.o arm64.o
- rm -f libasmrund.a && ar rc libasmrund.a  startup_aux.nd.o startup_nat.nd.o main.nd.o fail_nat.nd.o roots_nat.nd.o signals.nd.o signals_nat.nd.o misc.nd.o freelist.nd.o major_gc.nd.o minor_gc.nd.o memory.nd.o alloc.nd.o compare.nd.o ints.nd.o floats.nd.o str.nd.o array.nd.o io.nd.o extern.nd.o intern.nd.o hash.nd.o sys.nd.o parsing.nd.o gc_ctrl.nd.o eventlog.nd.o md5.nd.o obj.nd.o lexing.nd.o unix.nd.o printexc.nd.o callback.nd.o weak.nd.o compact.nd.o finalise.nd.o custom.nd.o globroots.nd.o backtrace_nat.nd.o backtrace.nd.o dynlink_nat.nd.o debugger.nd.o meta.nd.o dynlink.nd.o clambda_checks.nd.o afl.nd.o bigarray.nd.o memprof.nd.o domain.nd.o skiplist.nd.o codefrag.nd.o arm64.o
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- cp runtime/libasmrun.a stdlib/libasmrun.a
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make ocamlopt
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- cd asmcomp; ln -sf arm64/arch.ml .
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm.mli
- cd asmcomp; ln -sf arm64/proc.ml .
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_ast.mli
- cd asmcomp; ln -sf arm64/selection.ml .
- cd asmcomp; ln -sf arm64/CSE.ml .
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/coloring.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linscan.mli
- cd asmcomp; ln -sf arm64/reload.ml .
- cd asmcomp; ln -sf arm64/scheduling.ml .
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools cvt_emit
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmlink.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmlibrarian.mli
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamllex -q cvt_emit.mll
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmpackager.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/opterrors.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda - cvt_emit.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optcompile.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optmaindriver.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/arch.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_proc.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/afl_instrument.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/strmatch.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen_state.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_invariants.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_masm.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_gas.mli
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../runtime/primitives -I .. -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -o cvt_emit cvt_emit.cmo
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/x86_dsl.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/asmlibrarian.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/opterrors.ml -I driver
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optmain.ml -I driver
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printcmm.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reg.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/afl_instrument.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen_state.ml -I asmcomp
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_helpers.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_invariants.ml -I asmcomp
- echo \# 1 \"arm64/emit.mlp\" > asmcomp/emit.ml
- ./boot/ocamlrun tools/cvt_emit < asmcomp/arm64/emit.mlp >> asmcomp/emit.ml \
- || { rm -f asmcomp/emit.ml; exit 2; }
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printcmm.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reg.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/mach.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/strmatch.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmmgen.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/mach.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/proc.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/interval.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/printmach.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/dataflow.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/polling.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/selectgen.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/selection.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/comballoc.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/CSEgen.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/liveness.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/spill.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/split.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/interf.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/coloring.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linscan.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reloadgen.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/reload.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/deadcode.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/linear.mli
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optmaindriver.ml -I driver
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/proc.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/cmm_helpers.ml -I asmcomp
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c asmcomp/interval.ml -I asmcomp
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- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -strict-sequence -principal -absname -w +a-4-9-40-41-42-44-45-48-66-70 -warn-error +a -bin-annot -safe-string -strict-formats -I utils -I parsing -I typing -I bytecomp -I file_formats -I lambda -I middle_end -I middle_end/closure -I middle_end/flambda -I middle_end/flambda/base_types -I asmcomp -I driver -I toplevel -c driver/optcompile.ml -I driver
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives -a -o compilerlibs/ocamloptcomp.cma middle_end/internal_variable_names.cmo middle_end/linkage_name.cmo middle_end/compilation_unit.cmo middle_end/variable.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_element.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_id.cmo middle_end/symbol.cmo middle_end/backend_var.cmo middle_end/clambda_primitives.cmo middle_end/printclambda_primitives.cmo middle_end/clambda.cmo middle_end/printclambda.cmo middle_end/semantics_of_primitives.cmo middle_end/convert_primitives.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/id_types.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/export_id.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/tag.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/mutable_variable.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_id.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/set_of_closures_origin.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/closure_origin.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/var_within_closure.cmo middle_end/flambda/base_types/static_exception.cmo middle_end/flambda/pass_wrapper.cmo middle_end/flambda/allocated_const.cmo middle_end/flambda/parameter.cmo middle_end/flambda/projection.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_iterators.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_utils.cmo middle_end/flambda/freshening.cmo middle_end/flambda/effect_analysis.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_cost.cmo middle_end/flambda/simple_value_approx.cmo middle_end/flambda/export_info.cmo middle_end/flambda/export_info_for_pack.cmo middle_end/compilenv.cmo middle_end/closure/closure.cmo middle_end/closure/closure_middle_end.cmo middle_end/flambda/import_approx.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_code.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion_aux.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_conversion.cmo middle_end/flambda/initialize_symbol_to_let_symbol.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_let_to_initialize_symbol.cmo middle_end/flambda/find_recursive_functions.cmo middle_end/flambda/invariant_params.cmo middle_end/flambda/inconstant_idents.cmo middle_end/flambda/alias_analysis.cmo middle_end/flambda/lift_constants.cmo middle_end/flambda/share_constants.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_common.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_arguments.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_closure_vars.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_unused_program_constructs.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_boxed_integer_ops.cmo middle_end/flambda/simplify_primitives.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats_types.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_stats.cmo middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify_aux.cmo middle_end/flambda/remove_free_vars_equal_to_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/extract_projections.cmo middle_end/flambda/augment_specialised_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_free_vars_of_closures.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_specialised_args.cmo middle_end/flambda/unbox_closures.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_transforms.cmo middle_end/flambda/inlining_decision.cmo middle_end/flambda/inline_and_simplify.cmo middle_end/flambda/ref_to_variables.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_invariants.cmo middle_end/flambda/traverse_for_exported_symbols.cmo middle_end/flambda/build_export_info.cmo middle_end/flambda/closure_offsets.cmo middle_end/flambda/un_anf.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_to_clambda.cmo middle_end/flambda/flambda_middle_end.cmo  asmcomp/arch.cmo asmcomp/cmm.cmo asmcomp/printcmm.cmo asmcomp/reg.cmo asmcomp/mach.cmo asmcomp/proc.cmo asmcomp/afl_instrument.cmo asmcomp/strmatch.cmo asmcomp/cmmgen_state.cmo asmcomp/cmm_helpers.cmo asmcomp/cmmgen.cmo asmcomp/cmm_invariants.cmo asmcomp/interval.cmo asmcomp/printmach.cmo asmcomp/dataflow.cmo asmcomp/polling.cmo asmcomp/selectgen.cmo asmcomp/selection.cmo asmcomp/comballoc.cmo asmcomp/CSEgen.cmo asmcomp/CSE.cmo asmcomp/liveness.cmo asmcomp/spill.cmo asmcomp/split.cmo asmcomp/interf.cmo asmcomp/coloring.cmo asmcomp/linscan.cmo asmcomp/reloadgen.cmo asmcomp/reload.cmo asmcomp/deadcode.cmo asmcomp/linear.cmo asmcomp/printlinear.cmo asmcomp/linearize.cmo file_formats/linear_format.cmo asmcomp/schedgen.cmo asmcomp/scheduling.cmo asmcomp/branch_relaxation_intf.cmo asmcomp/branch_relaxation.cmo asmcomp/emitaux.cmo asmcomp/emit.cmo asmcomp/asmgen.cmo asmcomp/asmlink.cmo asmcomp/asmlibrarian.cmo asmcomp/asmpackager.cmo driver/opterrors.cmo driver/optcompile.cmo driver/optmaindriver.cmo
- ./boot/ocamlrun ./boot/ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims runtime/primitives  -o ocamlopt compilerlibs/ocamlcommon.cma compilerlibs/ocamloptcomp.cma driver/optmain.cmo
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make libraryopt
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C stdlib  allopt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nopervasives -c camlinternalFormatBasics.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nopervasives -c camlinternalAtomic.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nopervasives -no-alias-deps -w -49  -pp "$AWK -f ./expand_module_aliases.awk" -c stdlib.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Pervasives.cmx -c pervasives.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Either.cmx -c either.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Sys.cmx -c sys.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Bool.cmx -c bool.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Char.cmx -c char.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Int.cmx -c int.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Unit.cmx -c unit.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Int64.cmx -c int64.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Atomic.cmx -c atomic.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Complex.cmx -c complex.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    -c std_exit.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Nativeint.cmx -c nativeint.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Int32.cmx -c int32.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Uchar.cmx -c uchar.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Obj.cmx -c obj.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -afl-inst-ratio 0 -c camlinternalLazy.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Callback.cmx -c callback.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Lazy.cmx -c lazy.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Seq.cmx -c seq.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Option.cmx -c option.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Result.cmx -c result.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__List.cmx -c list.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Bytes.cmx -c bytes.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Array.cmx -c array.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Map.cmx -c map.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Queue.cmx -c queue.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-            -o stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmx -c arrayLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Bigarray.cmx -c bigarray.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-            -o stdlib__Float.cmx -c float.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Set.cmx -c set.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Stack.cmx -c stack.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-            -o stdlib__ListLabels.cmx -c listLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__String.cmx -c string.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Marshal.cmx -c marshal.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-            -o stdlib__BytesLabels.cmx -c bytesLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Lexing.cmx -c lexing.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Stream.cmx -c stream.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -inline 3 \
-            -o stdlib__Buffer.cmx -c buffer.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Digest.cmx -c digest.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -inline 0 -afl-inst-ratio 0 -c camlinternalOO.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-            -o stdlib__StringLabels.cmx -c stringLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-            -o stdlib__StdLabels.cmx -c stdLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Random.cmx -c random.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Parsing.cmx -c parsing.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    -c camlinternalFormat.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Hashtbl.cmx -c hashtbl.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Oo.cmx -c oo.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    -c camlinternalMod.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Weak.cmx -c weak.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Genlex.cmx -c genlex.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Ephemeron.cmx -c ephemeron.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -nolabels -no-alias-deps \
-            -o stdlib__MoreLabels.cmx -c moreLabels.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Printf.cmx -c printf.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Format.cmx -c format.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Arg.cmx -c arg.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Printexc.cmx -c printexc.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats   -inline 9 \
-            -o stdlib__Scanf.cmx -c scanf.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Filename.cmx -c filename.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Fun.cmx -c fun.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Gc.cmx -c gc.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__In_channel.cmx -c in_channel.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -strict-sequence -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -g -warn-error +A -bin-annot -nostdlib -principal -safe-string -strict-formats    \
-            -o stdlib__Out_channel.cmx -c out_channel.ml
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -a -o stdlib.cmxa camlinternalFormatBasics.cmx camlinternalAtomic.cmx stdlib.cmx stdlib__Pervasives.cmx stdlib__Either.cmx stdlib__Sys.cmx stdlib__Obj.cmx camlinternalLazy.cmx stdlib__Lazy.cmx stdlib__Seq.cmx stdlib__Option.cmx stdlib__Result.cmx stdlib__Bool.cmx stdlib__Char.cmx stdlib__Uchar.cmx stdlib__List.cmx stdlib__Int.cmx stdlib__Bytes.cmx stdlib__String.cmx stdlib__Unit.cmx stdlib__Marshal.cmx stdlib__Array.cmx stdlib__Float.cmx stdlib__Int32.cmx stdlib__Int64.cmx stdlib__Nativeint.cmx stdlib__Lexing.cmx stdlib__Parsing.cmx stdlib__Set.cmx stdlib__Map.cmx stdlib__Stack.cmx stdlib__Queue.cmx stdlib__Stream.cmx stdlib__Buffer.cmx camlinternalFormat.cmx stdlib__Printf.cmx stdlib__Arg.cmx stdlib__Atomic.cmx stdlib__Printexc.cmx stdlib__Fun.cmx stdlib__Gc.cmx stdlib__Digest.cmx stdlib__Random.cmx stdlib__Hashtbl.cmx stdlib__Weak.cmx stdlib__Format.cmx stdlib__Scanf.cmx stdlib__Callback.cmx camlinternalOO.cmx stdlib__Oo.cmx camlinternalMod.cmx stdlib__Genlex.cmx stdlib__Ephemeron.cmx stdlib__Filename.cmx stdlib__Complex.cmx stdlib__ArrayLabels.cmx stdlib__ListLabels.cmx stdlib__BytesLabels.cmx stdlib__StringLabels.cmx stdlib__MoreLabels.cmx stdlib__StdLabels.cmx stdlib__Bigarray.cmx stdlib__In_channel.cmx stdlib__Out_channel.cmx
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make otherlibrariesopt ocamltoolsopt
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C otherlibs allopt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs'
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools opt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o accept.o accept.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o access.o access.c
- ../boot/ocamlrun ../ocamlopt -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48-70 -strict-sequence -warn-error +A -principal -safe-string -strict-formats -bin-annot -I ../utils -I ../parsing -I ../typing -I ../bytecomp -I ../middle_end -I ../middle_end/closure -I ../middle_end/flambda -I ../middle_end/flambda/base_types -I ../driver -I ../toplevel -I ../file_formats -I ../lambda -c - profiling.ml
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o addrofstr.o addrofstr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o alarm.o alarm.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o bind.o bind.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o channels.o channels.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o chdir.o chdir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o chmod.o chmod.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o chown.o chown.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o chroot.o chroot.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o close.o close.c
- cc1: note: modified 3 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fsync.o fsync.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o closedir.o closedir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o connect.o connect.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o cst2constr.o cst2constr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o cstringv.o cstringv.c
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o dup.o dup.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o dup2.o dup2.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o envir.o envir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o errmsg.o errmsg.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o execv.o execv.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o execve.o execve.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o execvp.o execvp.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o exit.o exit.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fchmod.o fchmod.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fchown.o fchown.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fcntl.o fcntl.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o fork.o fork.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o ftruncate.o ftruncate.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getaddrinfo.o getaddrinfo.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getcwd.o getcwd.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getegid.o getegid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o geteuid.o geteuid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getgid.o getgid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getgr.o getgr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getgroups.o getgroups.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o gethost.o gethost.c
- cc1: note: rewrote 1 switch statements
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o gethostname.o gethostname.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getlogin.o getlogin.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getnameinfo.o getnameinfo.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getpeername.o getpeername.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getpid.o getpid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getppid.o getppid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getproto.o getproto.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getpw.o getpw.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o gettimeofday.o gettimeofday.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getserv.o getserv.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getsockname.o getsockname.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o getuid.o getuid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o gmtime.o gmtime.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o initgroups.o initgroups.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o isatty.o isatty.c
- cc1: note: rewrote 1 switch statements
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o itimer.o itimer.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o kill.o kill.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o link.o link.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o listen.o listen.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o lockf.o lockf.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o lseek.o lseek.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o mkdir.o mkdir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o mkfifo.o mkfifo.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o mmap.o mmap.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o mmap_ba.o mmap_ba.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o nice.o nice.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o open.o open.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o opendir.o opendir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o pipe.o pipe.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o putenv.o putenv.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o read.o read.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o realpath.o realpath.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o readdir.o readdir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o readlink.o readlink.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o rename.o rename.c
- cc1: note: modified 7 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o rewinddir.o rewinddir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o rmdir.o rmdir.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o select.o select.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o sendrecv.o sendrecv.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o setgid.o setgid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o setgroups.o setgroups.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o setsid.o setsid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o setuid.o setuid.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o shutdown.o shutdown.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o signals.o signals.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o sleep.o sleep.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o socket.o socket.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o socketaddr.o socketaddr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o socketpair.o socketpair.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o sockopt.o sockopt.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o spawn.o spawn.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o stat.o stat.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o strofaddr.o strofaddr.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o symlink.o symlink.c
- cc1: note: modified 3 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o termios.o termios.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o time.o time.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o times.o times.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o truncate.o truncate.c
- cc1: note: modified 3 initializations
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o umask.o umask.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o unixsupport.o unixsupport.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o unlink.o unlink.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o utimes.o utimes.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o wait.o wait.c
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o write.o write.c
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -nolabels  unix.ml
- cc1: note: modified 36 initializations
- cc1: note: modified 1 initializations
- cc1: note: modified 68 initializations
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -oc unix accept.o access.o addrofstr.o alarm.o bind.o channels.o chdir.o chmod.o chown.o chroot.o close.o fsync.o closedir.o connect.o cst2constr.o cstringv.o dup.o dup2.o envir.o errmsg.o execv.o execve.o execvp.o exit.o fchmod.o fchown.o fcntl.o fork.o ftruncate.o getaddrinfo.o getcwd.o getegid.o geteuid.o getgid.o getgr.o getgroups.o gethost.o gethostname.o getlogin.o getnameinfo.o getpeername.o getpid.o getppid.o getproto.o getpw.o gettimeofday.o getserv.o getsockname.o getuid.o gmtime.o initgroups.o isatty.o itimer.o kill.o link.o listen.o lockf.o lseek.o mkdir.o mkfifo.o mmap.o mmap_ba.o nice.o open.o opendir.o pipe.o putenv.o read.o realpath.o readdir.o readlink.o rename.o rewinddir.o rmdir.o select.o sendrecv.o setgid.o setgroups.o setsid.o setuid.o shutdown.o signals.o sleep.o socket.o socketaddr.o socketpair.o sockopt.o spawn.o stat.o strofaddr.o symlink.o termios.o time.o times.o truncate.o umask.o unixsupport.o unlink.o utimes.o wait.o write.o 
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats -nolabels  unixLabels.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o unix -oc unix -ocamlopt '../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib' -linkall \
-          unix.cmx unixLabels.cmx 
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats   bigarray.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -o bigarray.cmxa -a -linkall bigarray.cmx 
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g    -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime   \
-   -o strstubs.o strstubs.c
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -c -absname -w +a-4-9-41-42-44-45-48 -warn-error +A -bin-annot -g -safe-string -strict-sequence -strict-formats   str.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -oc camlstr strstubs.o 
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o str -oc camlstr -ocamlopt '../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib' -linkall \
-          str.cmx 
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g   -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown -DNATIVE_CODE -DTARGET_arm64 -DMODEL_default -DSYS_unknown  \
-   -o st_stubs.n.o st_stubs.c
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  thread.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  mutex.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  condition.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  threadUnix.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  event.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -c -w +33..39 -warn-error +A -g -bin-annot -safe-string  semaphore.ml
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../../stdlib -I ../../otherlibs/unix -linkall -a -cclib -lthreadsnat -cclib -lpthread -o threads.cmxa thread.cmx mutex.cmx condition.cmx event.cmx threadUnix.cmx semaphore.cmx
- cc1: note: modified 3 initializations
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o threadsnat st_stubs.n.o
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs'
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml'
-> compiled  aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5
Processing 52/52: [aarch64-esperanto: sh make -C caml install]
+ /bin/sh "-c" "make -C caml install" (CWD=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5)
- make: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml'
- PATH="/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/home/opam/bin:/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin" /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C ocaml world
- make[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C runtime all
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C stdlib \
-   OCAMLRUN='$(ROOTDIR)/runtime/ocamlrun' \
-   CAMLC='$(BOOT_OCAMLC) -use-prims ../runtime/primitives' all
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- cp runtime/ocamlrun boot/ocamlrun
- cd boot; rm -f stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader
- cd stdlib; cp stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader ../boot
- cd boot; ln -sf ../runtime/libcamlrun.a .
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make all
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C runtime  all
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make ocamlc
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[3]: 'ocamlc' is up to date.
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make ocamllex ocamltools library
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C yacc  all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/yacc'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/yacc'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C lex all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/lex'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/lex'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C stdlib  all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make ocaml
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[3]: 'ocaml' is up to date.
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make otherlibraries   \
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C yacc  all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/yacc'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/yacc'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C lex all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/lex'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/lex'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C otherlibs all
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs'
- make[5]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- make[5]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- make[5]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- make[5]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
- make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- make[5]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- aarch64-unknown-cosmo-cc -c -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -fwrapv -pthread -Wall -Wdeclaration-after-statement -fno-common -fexcess-precision=standard -g   -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DCAML_NAME_SPACE  -I../../runtime  \
-   -o st_stubs.b.o st_stubs.c
- cc1: note: modified 3 initializations
- ../../boot/ocamlrun ../../tools/ocamlmklib -o threads st_stubs.b.o -lpthread
- make[5]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs'
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- PATH="/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/home/opam/bin:/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin" /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C ocaml opt
- make[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make runtimeopt
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C runtime  allopt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'allopt'.
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make ocamlopt
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[2]: 'ocamlopt' is up to date.
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make libraryopt
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C stdlib  allopt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'allopt'.
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make otherlibrariesopt ocamltoolsopt
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C otherlibs allopt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs'
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'allopt'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'allopt'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'allopt'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- make[4]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- make[4]: Nothing to be done for 'allopt'.
- make[4]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools opt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'opt'.
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- MAKE=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make PREFIX=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1 BUILD_ARCH=aarch64 ./install.sh
- + prefix=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1
- + build_arch=aarch64
- + [ /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1 '=' '' ]
- + [ -z aarch64 ]
- + SYSROOT=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot
- + mkdir -p /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot
- + MAKE=/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make
- + /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C ocaml install
- make[1]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- mkdir -p "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin"
- mkdir -p "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- mkdir -p "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/stublibs"
- mkdir -p "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- mkdir -p "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/share/doc/ocaml"
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C runtime install
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlrun ocamlrund "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 ld.conf libcamlrun.a libcamlrund.a "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- mkdir -p "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/caml"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 caml/domain_state.tbl caml/*.h "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/caml"
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p ocaml "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlc "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin/ocamlc.byte"
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C stdlib install
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- stale=""; \
-   if test -n "$stale" ; then \
-     echo "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml contains stale stdlib artefacts"; \
-     echo "Please rm /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/stdlib__*.cm* and re-run make install"; \
-     exit 1; \
-   fi
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader_ur \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   *.cmt *.cmti *.mli *.ml \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 target_camlheader "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/camlheader"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 target_camlheaderd "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/camlheaderd"
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p lex/ocamllex \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin/ocamllex.byte"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p yacc/ocamlyacc "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    utils/*.cmi \
-    parsing/*.cmi \
-    typing/*.cmi \
-    bytecomp/*.cmi \
-    file_formats/*.cmi \
-    lambda/*.cmi \
-    driver/*.cmi \
-    toplevel/*.cmi \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    toplevel/byte/*.cmi \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    utils/*.cmt utils/*.cmti utils/*.mli \
-    parsing/*.cmt parsing/*.cmti parsing/*.mli \
-    typing/*.cmt typing/*.cmti typing/*.mli \
-    file_formats/*.cmt file_formats/*.cmti file_formats/*.mli \
-    lambda/*.cmt lambda/*.cmti lambda/*.mli \
-    bytecomp/*.cmt bytecomp/*.cmti bytecomp/*.mli \
-    driver/*.cmt driver/*.cmti driver/*.mli \
-    toplevel/*.cmt toplevel/*.cmti toplevel/*.mli \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    toplevel/byte/*.cmt \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   compilerlibs/*.cma \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    driver/main.cmo toplevel/topstart.cmo \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p expunge "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    toplevel/topdirs.cmi \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    toplevel/topdirs.cmt \
-    toplevel/topdirs.cmti toplevel/topdirs.mli \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools install
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   profiling.cmi profiling.cmo \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   profiling.cmt profiling.cmti \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- for i in ocamldep ocamlprof ocamlcp ocamloptp ocamlmklib ocamlmktop ocamlobjinfo; \
- do \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p "$i" "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin/$i.byte"; \
-   if test -f "$i".opt; then \
-     /usr/bin/install -c -p "$i.opt" "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin" && \
-     (cd "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin" && ln -sf "$i.opt" "$i"); \
-   else \
-     (cd "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin" && ln -sf "$i.byte" "$i"); \
-   fi; \
- done
- if test -f ocamlcmt.opt; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p\
-     ocamlcmt.opt "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin/ocamlcmt"; \
- else \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlcmt "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin"; \
- fi
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   eventlog_metadata \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C man install
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/man'
- mkdir -p /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/man/man1
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 ocaml.1 ocamlc.1 ocamlc.opt.1 ocamlcp.1 ocamldebug.1 ocamldep.1 ocamldoc.1 ocamllex.1 ocamlmktop.1 ocamlopt.1 ocamlopt.opt.1 ocamloptp.1 ocamlprof.1 ocamlrun.1 ocamlyacc.1 /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/man/man1
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/man'
- for i in unix bigarray str systhreads; do \
-   /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C otherlibs/$i install || exit $?; \
- done
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- if test -f dllunix.so; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p \
-     dllunix.so "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \
- fi
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libunix.a "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   unix.cma unix.cmi unixLabels.cmi \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   unix.mli unixLabels.mli \
-           unix.cmti unixLabels.cmti \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- if test -n "unixsupport.h socketaddr.h"; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 unixsupport.h socketaddr.h "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/caml/"; \
- fi
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- if test -f dllbigarray.so; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p \
-     dllbigarray.so "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \
- fi
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   bigarray.cma bigarray.cmi \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   bigarray.mli \
-           bigarray.cmti \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- if test -n ""; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644  "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/caml/"; \
- fi
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- if test -f dllcamlstr.so; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p \
-     dllcamlstr.so "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \
- fi
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libcamlstr.a "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   str.cma str.cmi \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   str.mli \
-           str.cmti \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- if test -n ""; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644  "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/caml/"; \
- fi
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- if test -f dllthreads.so; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p dllthreads.so "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/stublibs"; \
- fi
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libthreads.a "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- mkdir -p "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/threads"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   thread.cmi mutex.cmi condition.cmi event.cmi threadUnix.cmi semaphore.cmi threads.cma \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/threads"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   thread.cmti mutex.cmti condition.cmti event.cmti threadUnix.cmti semaphore.cmti \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/threads"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 thread.mli mutex.mli condition.mli event.mli threadUnix.mli semaphore.mli "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/threads"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 threads.h "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/caml"
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- if test -n ""; then \
-   /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C debugger install; \
- fi
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 Makefile.config "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 Changes README.adoc README.win32.adoc LICENSE "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/share/doc/ocaml"
- if test -f ocamlopt; then /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make installopt; else \
-    cd "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin"; \
-    ln -sf ocamlc.byte ocamlc; \
-    ln -sf ocamllex.byte ocamllex; \
-    (test -f flexlink.byte && \
-       ln -sf flexlink.byte flexlink) || true; \
- fi
- make[2]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C runtime installopt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libasmrun.a libasmrund.a "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/runtime'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p ocamlopt "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin/ocamlopt.byte"
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C stdlib installopt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- stale=""; \
-   if test -n "$stale" ; then \
-     echo "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml contains stale stdlib artefacts"; \
-     echo "Please rm /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/stdlib__*.cmx and re-run make install"; \
-     exit 1; \
-   fi
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   stdlib.cmxa stdlib.a std_exit.o *.cmx \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/stdlib'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     middle_end/*.cmi \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     middle_end/closure/*.cmi \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     middle_end/flambda/*.cmi \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmi \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     asmcomp/*.cmi \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     middle_end/*.cmt middle_end/*.cmti \
-     middle_end/*.mli \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     middle_end/closure/*.cmt middle_end/closure/*.cmti \
-     middle_end/closure/*.mli \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     middle_end/flambda/*.cmt middle_end/flambda/*.cmti \
-     middle_end/flambda/*.mli \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmt \
-             middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.cmti \
-     middle_end/flambda/base_types/*.mli \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     asmcomp/*.cmt asmcomp/*.cmti \
-     asmcomp/*.mli \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-     driver/optmain.cmo \
-     "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/compiler-libs"
- for i in unix bigarray str systhreads; do \
-   /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C otherlibs/$i installopt || exit $?; \
- done
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    unix.cmx unixLabels.cmx unix.cmxa unix.a \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- if test -f unix.cmxs; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p unix.cmxs "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"; \
- fi
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/unix'
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    bigarray.cmx bigarray.cmxa bigarray.a \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- if test -f bigarray.cmxs; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p bigarray.cmxs "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"; \
- fi
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/bigarray'
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-    str.cmx str.cmxa str.a \
-    "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/"
- if test -f str.cmxs; then \
-   /usr/bin/install -c -p str.cmxs "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"; \
- fi
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/str'
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 libthreadsnat.a "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-   thread.cmx mutex.cmx condition.cmx event.cmx threadUnix.cmx semaphore.cmx threads.cmxa threads.a \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml/threads"
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/otherlibs/systhreads'
- if test -f ocamlopt.opt; then /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make installoptopt; else \
-    cd "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/bin"; \
-    ln -sf ocamlc.byte ocamlc; \
-    ln -sf ocamlopt.byte ocamlopt; \
-    ln -sf ocamllex.byte ocamllex; \
-    (test -f flexlink.byte && \
-      ln -sf flexlink.byte flexlink) || true; \
- fi
- /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/bin/make -C tools installopt
- make[3]: Entering directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- /usr/bin/install -c -p -m 644 \
-           profiling.cmx profiling.o \
-   "/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/ocaml"
- make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml/tools'
- make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml/ocaml'
- + mkdir -p /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib.conf.d
- + cp aarch64-esperanto.conf /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/lib/findlib.conf.d/aarch64-esperanto.conf
- + mkdir -p /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/threads
- + cp META /home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/aarch64-esperanto-sysroot/lib/threads
- make: Leaving directory '/home/opam/.opam/4.14.1/.opam-switch/build/aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5/caml'
-> installed aarch64-esperanto.0.0.5
2024-06-04 20:48.03 ---> saved as "f580403dde6ad782606431c495dd4dd7776b422c3f4921399db39433b73dfd90"
Job succeeded